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Shared Services Provided by Human Resources

Human Resources has provided the municipal agencies with assistance in equal opportunity/affirmative action recruitment efforts for positions such as Police Officer and Firefighter.

Training is also provided to agencies in such areas as Defensive Driving and Sexual Harrassment.

The Department of Human Resources provides both mandatory and non-mandatory services to municipal agencies. Mandatory services include position classification, civil service exam administration, personnel record keeping, interpretation and administration of civil service law and rules and payroll certification.

Additional services provided to the municipal agencies by this department include assistance in effective and efficient human resource management. Human Resources has also worked with municipal agencies to assist in the development of shared services between the agencies, such as towns sharing a position of Building Inspector, in order to provide taxpayers more economical services.

The Department’s Division of Risk Management provides Workers’ Compensation and occupational health and safety services to municipal agencies under shared agreements, thus providing more economical and comprehensive services. The Department continues to explore potential areas of shared service provision.