The Office for the Aging plans, coordinates and provides an array of community-based services to older adults and persons who require assistance in the long-term care system, in an effort to promote independence, dignity and quality of life.
We offer an array of programming that provides socialization, recreation and fitness opportunities for older adults to remain active and energized.
Through its distinctive role of committed advocate and community partner, the agency strives to ensure clients' needs will continue to be met now and in the future.
Our offices are open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call or email before visiting – many issues can be resolved without having to leave the safety of your home.
OFA volunteers have included teenagers, college students, veterans, individuals in their 90's, and every age in between. OFA volunteering is an excellent way for students to meet their school or house-of-worship community service requirements. Visit to see a volunteering flyer describing our opportunities, along with a printable registration form.
Click here for online volunteer registration.
For more questions about volunteering, contact OFA at 845-486-2555 or email
Help your older friends and neighbors stay connected
Counseling services available for navigating health insurance
Information about various services including licensed home care services and more.
Information about Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), weatherization, cooling assistance and other programs
Information about apartments, adult homes, assisted living, nursing home and respite
Information on services to help individuals, families, caregivers, and professionals
You may be a caregiver, but not think of yourself as one
Find some of the many services we offer to meet the nutritional needs of persons 60 years and older
Resources you can print for yourself at home and share with friends and caregivers
The Office for the Aging offers a wide variety of recreation including exercise and picnic programs
Transportation options for older adults in Dutchess County
A summertime tradition for Dutchess County older adults for over 30 years
Find out when the next Office for the Aging events are happening
Weekly newsletter from the Office for the Aging
Quarterly information about news and upcoming events for older adults and caregivers in Dutchess County.