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Assessors in Dutchess County

Latest Assessment Rolls

With the exception of the incorporated villages, there is at least one assessor in each of Dutchess County's municipalities. Since the villages use the towns' assessment rolls to extend taxes, the town assessor serves them as well.

Assessors are the foundation of real property tax administration.  All concerns, problems, or questions related to the assessment of real property must be addressed first with a local assessor before they are carried to another level.  Such concerns may be related to property ownership, condition and status of properties, mapping, value, location, and exemptions.

The following is a listing of assessors in Dutchess County:



Kathleen Martin. City Hall, One Municipal Square, Beacon, NY 12508
Telephone:  845-838-5025   Fax: 845-838-5026


John T. Taylor, 62 Civic Center Plaza, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Telephone:  845-451-4039, 451-4040   Fax:  845-451-4006 



Donna DiPippo 
4988 Rt. 22, Amenia, NY 12501
Telephone:  845-373-8118 Ext. 103   Fax: 373-9826  
By appointment Tuesday 5:30-8:30 pm and Saturday 9-1:00 pm
Clerk Monday & Tuesday 9:00-3:00 pm


Paul Jonke
4 Main Street, Poughquag, NY 12570
Telephone:  845-724-5300 Ext. 228   Fax: 724-3245
Days: Wednesday 


Teresa Stegner
1215 Centre Road, Rhinebeck 12572
Telephone: 845-266-5853   Fax: 266-5748  


Judy Hyatt
126 E Duncan Hill Rd., Dover Plains, NY 12522
Telephone:  845-832-6111 Ext. 105    Fax: 832-3188
Days: Tuesday & Thursday

East Fishkill

Kathleen Martin
330 Rte. 376, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Telephone:   845-226-6353   Fax: 226-5648  


Christian Harkins
807 Rte. 52, Fishkill, NY 12524-3110
Telephone:  845-831-7800 Ext. 3337   Fax:  831-6040  

Hyde Park

Maureen Gilmartin
4383 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park, NY 12538
Telephone:  845-229-5111 Ext. 122   Fax: 229-1901   


Robert Taft
120 Stringham Rd., Lagrangeville, NY 12540
Telephone:  845-452-1830 Ext. 129   Fax: 845-452-7692


Elizabeth Burns
20 Wilcox Circle, Milan, NY 12571
Telephone:  845-758-5133 Ext. 4   Fax: 758-0445  
Days/Hours:  Monday – Wednesday – Friday ,9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, and by Appointment

North East

Katherine Johnson, IAO
P.O. Box 771, Millerton, NY 12546
Telephone: 518-789-3300 Ext. 605  Fax: 518-789-3399 
Days/Hours:  Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Robert Taft
160 Charles Colman Blvd., Pawling, NY 12564
Telephone:  845-855-5246   Fax: 855-0179

Pine Plains

Sara Foglia
P.O. Box 955, Pine Plains, NY 12567
Telephone: 518-398-7193  Fax: 518-398-0030 

Pleasant Valley

Garth Slocum
1554 Main St., Pleasant Valley, NY 12569
Telephone:  845-635-1111 Ext. 208   Fax: 635-1452  


Jennifer Mund
One Overocker Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Telephone:  845-485-3640   Fax: 845-486-7885  

Red Hook

Cheryl Kaszluga
7340 S. Broadway, Red Hook,  NY 12571
Telephone:  845-758-4604 or 758-4605   Fax: 758-5313  


Jennifer Mund
80 E Market St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Telephone:  845-876-4805   Fax: 876-5885  


Stephen Gotovich
P.O Box 436, 26 Town Hall Rd., Stanfordville NY 12581
Telephone:  845-868-1310   Fax: 868-7252  

Union Vale

Eric Axelsen
249 Duncan Rd., LaGrangeville, NY 12540
Telephone:  845-724-5600 Ext. 104 (Tues/Thurs)   Fax: 724-3757  


Christian Harkins
20 Middlebush Rd. Wappinger Falls, NY  12590 (next to the New York State Police building)
Telephone:  845-297-8275   Fax: 297-8451  


Lisa Evangelista
P.O. Box 667, Millbrook, NY 12545
Telephone:  845-677-3949   Fax: 677-2085 


All Dutchess villages now use their town's assessment roll for village taxes.