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Human Resources

The mission of the Department of Human Resources is to provide a full range of human resource management services for Dutchess County departments and employees, and to administer the New York State Civil Service Law for the County and all municipalities within the County including towns, villages, cities, schools, Dutchess Community College, and all special districts such as libraries and fire districts.


Examination Hotline 845-486-2167
Contact Emails

Alerts and Announcements

New Dutchess County application portal is in effect. You may subscribe to receive notifications when new exam announcements and recruitments are posted. 


Career Center

Exams and Recruitment

Examinations and recruitments currently being offered through Human Resources.

Job Descriptions

List of position descriptions that exist in Dutchess County and jurisdictions under its authority.

Exam Forms

The following forms may be filled out, printed, mailed or emailed to the Department of Human Resources.

General Exam Info

Information regarding the day of exam and other relevant exam information.

Application Account Login

Click here to sign in to your online account or create a new account.

Think Differently/55-a

ThinkDIFFERENTLY is a call to action to create a supportive and welcoming work environment for those living with special needs.

Civil Service Information

Learn about civil service processes and how to obtain employment in local government.

Physical Fitness Test Manuals

Fitness requirements and standards for select positions in Law Enforcement, Corrections and Emergency Response

Dutchess County Employee Resources

Municipal Resources

Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action

Dutchess County Government is committed to ensuring its policies and procedures are non-discriminatory and contribute to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) outcomes. EEO is about establishing and maintaining a work environment free of discrimination and promoting the values of diversity through the daily practice of professionalism, respect, acceptance and understanding. This means having workplace policies, practices and behaviors that are fair and do not disadvantage people because they are attributed to particular diverse groups.  

Equal Employment Opportunity / Affirmative Action is a Human Resources Department function that is administered by the EEO & I Officer.



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