First - Balance and Warm Up Exercises
- Chair Stands- stand from sitting position with hands crossed in front
- Chest Stretch- stand and extend arms straight back, clasp hands and pull back and up
- One Leg Stand- alternate standing on one leg and then the other
- Heel Raise- rise up on toes to count of 4 and back down to 8
- Toe Raise- rock back on heels to the count of 4 and back down to 8
- Hip Raise (Wooden Soldier) - straight leg, raise foot with foot flexed, then down. Alternate legs, left, right, left, right. March in place like a wooden soldier.
- Tandem Walk- one foot directly in front of the other, 20 steps around the circle, then back, don’t look at feet, hold on to chairs for balance.
Second - Leg Exercises - One leg at a time with ankle weights (provided)
- Seated Calf Raise - knee bent 90 degrees, slowly raise leg until straight, flex foot, then relax foot, lower leg.
- Back Leg Raise - bend forward 45 degrees over chair back, slowly extend leg to back
- Side Leg Raise - stand straight hold on to side of chair, slowly extend leg out to side
- Knee Raise (Hip Flex) - slowly raise knee to form right angle with calf, then lower.
Third - Arm Exercises - With hand weights (provided)
- Forward Fly - arms front and bent (like hugging a tree), move arms back pulling shoulder blades together, then move arms back front to starting position
- Upward Row - slowly pull arms upward to shoulders then down
- Two Arm Raise - slowly raise arms straight out to side, elbow to front of shoulder then down
- Tricep Kickback - elbows bent and back, slowly swing arms back to 4 forward 8
- Arm Curls - arms at sides, slowly bend arms up at elbow to front of shoulder, then down
- Shoulder Press - arms together in front with bent elbows. Pull arms out to side (elbows still bent) then push up straightening the elbow until a count of 4. Same movement in reverse down to 8.