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Colleen Pillus
(845) 486-2000
Poughkeepsie … Dutchess County Executive Marcus J. Molinaro announced Dutchess County has awarded more than $2 million in funding to 14 projects through the Municipal Innovation Grant (MIG) Program, with each of the County’s 30 municipalities benefiting from the projects. These projects will promote shared services and consolidation efforts, enhance accessibility and improve public safety through collaborative countywide partnerships.
More than $1 million was awarded to continue countywide criminal justice and law enforcement initiatives, as Dutchess County remains a leader in the implementation of cooperative multi-jurisdictional law enforcement best practices that intervene with at-risk individuals, while addressing victims’ needs and working to reduce recidivism rates and improve public safety.
The MIG program was expanded this year to include an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements focus area, so municipal leaders could make public facilities more accessible, while lessening the tax burden on local municipalities. Nearly $300,000 of the 2018 MIG grant funding will focus on ADA improvements.
County Executive Molinaro said, “In Dutchess County, we have made a commitment to ThinkDIFFERENTLY about those of every ability and implement practices that promote inclusiveness, remove barriers and improve accessibility. Doing so, however, can pose a financial burden on local municipal budgets that are already stretched thin. With the addition of this focus area, six municipalities are able to advance accessibility in their communities.”
The Dutchess County Legislature approved an additional $804,000 in funding for the MIG program at its September board meeting. Legislature Chair Gregg Pulver said, “Dutchess County has taken the lead in coordinating shared services and bringing true savings to our local communities. I thank my legislative colleagues for their support of such beneficial efforts, and we look forward to future collaborations which will similarly serve our residents.”
Projects funded through the 2018 Municipal Innovation Grant Program include:
911 Phone System Consolidation & Enhanced Shared Network
Award: $168,700
Awarded Municipality: City of Poughkeepsie, Town of Poughkeepsie
Project Description: The City and Town of Poughkeepsie will upgrade their 911 and Emergency Dispatch Phone Systems, which will be integrated into the County’s new 911 phone system, producing savings of nearly $1 million over five years from technology sharing, advancements, replacement and annual maintenance costs. Additionally, based on design and networking, the new system provides new redundancies, back-up capabilities, and a more efficient and timely emergency call handling process.
City of Poughkeepsie Mayor Rob Rolison said, “An upgraded 911 system will serve our residents better and keep them safe in an emergency. We thank County Executive Molinaro and the Dutchess County Legislature for their support of such an important project, and we will continue to look for cost-efficient ways to provide services for our residents.”
Community Boathouse Accessibility Improvements
Award: $50,000
Awarded Municipality: Village of Wappingers Falls, Towns of Poughkeepsie and Wappinger
Project Description: Accessibility enhancements to the Lower Wappinger Creek Community Boathouse that will provide long-lasting and universal access to the natural and recreational assets available in the community.
Red Hook Recreational Bathroom Accessibility Improvements
Award: $50,000
Awarded Municipality: Town of Red Hook
Project Description: Accessibility enhancements to the Red Hook Recreation Park bathroom facilities, removing barriers and promoting widespread use of recreational activities.
Red Wing Park Bathhouse Accessibility Improvements
Award: $40,000
Awarded Municipality: Town of East Fishkill
Project Description: Construction of a new fully accessible bathroom with a roll-in shower to expand use of the fully accessible Red Wing Lake Park.
Town Hall Accessibility Improvements
Award: $50,000
Awarded Municipality: Town of Beekman
Project Description: Construction of a new wheelchair lift that will provide wheelchair reliant residents with safe access to the Town Hall.
Town Hall Accessibility Improvements
Award: $50,000
Awarded Municipality: Town of Pleasant Valley
Project Description: Town Hall accessibility features including automatic door openers, curb cuts for ramp access, a wheelchair lift and new accessible bathrooms to ensure the building is barrier free.
Town of Pleasant Valley Supervisor Mark Figliozzi said, “Our town is proud to make our local government accessible to all, and this Municipal Innovation Grant award will help us ensure every resident of every ability can easily access our soon-to-be newly relocated and renovated Town Hall. County Executive Molinaro has long been an advocate of those of all abilities, and we appreciate his support and that of the County Legislature in assisting us to make these vital improvements.”
Wheelchair Lift Replacement
Award: $50,000
Awarded Municipality: Village of Rhinebeck
Project Description: Improve accessibility to the Village Hall by replacing an antiquated wheelchair lift that will allow residents who are wheelchair reliant the ability to have access to and participate in Village affairs that occur on the 2nd floor of the Village Hall.
Multi-Jurisdictional Human Resources Study
Award: $75,000
Awarded Municipalities: City of Beacon, Towns of East Fishkill, Fishkill and Wappinger
Project Description: Retain a consultant to evaluate current human resource (HR) management practices and make recommendations on the feasibility of shared HR functions and positions across municipal boundaries, while ensuring essential HR operational structures, employee relations, and compliance.
Shared Highway Garage and Fuel Storage Facility
Award: $240,000
Awarded Municipalities: Town of North East, Village of Millerton
Project Description: Design and construction plans for a shared highway garage/salt storage shed/storage facility expected to produce more than $800,000 in cost savings over five years. The Town’s current facility is in dire need of repair and relocation, and it sits next to the Webatuck Creek, within a floodplain, posing an environmental hazard to the Creek that supplies drinking water to the communities.
Town of North East Supervisor George Kaye said, “This much-needed garage and fuel storage facility will ensure our town and the Village of Millerton will be able to best serve our residents who rely on critical services. Dutchess County’s Municipal Innovation Grant program is a great resource for local communities and their residents, and we thank County Executive Molinaro and the Dutchess County Legislature for prioritizing such vital programs.”
Water and Wastewater Transfer of Ownership
Award: $108,000
Awarded Municipality: Village of Tivoli, Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority
Project Description: Implement transfer of ownership, which will include surveying to resolve property issues, legal expenses to create closing documents and address potential parkland alienation; purchase of easements for access to existing infrastructure; engineering expenses for the creation of County Sewer and Water Districts; and construction of system improvements requiring immediate attention.
Water and Wastewater Transfer of Ownership Feasibility Study
Award: $87,750
Awarded Municipality: Village of Rhinebeck, Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority
Project Description: Evaluation of the potential transfer of ownership of the Village’s water and sewer systems to the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority (DCWWA). The evaluation will include an engineering analysis of the existing infrastructure and identification of short and long-term capital improvement needs and analysis of the current fiscal condition of the systems, including history of revenues and expenses and the amount and term of any outstanding debt, as well as identification of any legal issues that may arise related to the transfer of ownership.
Child Advocacy Center (CAC) - Juvenile Detective
Award: $75,000
Awarded Municipalities: All 30 municipalities within Dutchess County
Project Description: Countywide law enforcement program that provides an array of services (i.e., safety plans, evidence gathering, referrals) during the investigative phase of a sexual or physical abuse allegation against children.
Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) - Phase III
Award: $256,850
Awarded Municipalities: Dutchess County, Cities of Beacon and Poughkeepsie, Towns of East Fishkill, Fishkill, Hyde Park, Pine Plains, Poughkeepsie, and Villages of Fishkill, Millbrook, Millerton, Red Hook, Rhinebeck, and Wappingers Falls
Project Description: Law enforcement training that will provide officers with the tools necessary to identify, intervene, de-escalate and divert individuals from inpatient hospitalization and the criminal justice system to community organizations that can address their needs. Research suggests an estimated savings of $100,000, annually.
Dutchess County Drug-Task Force
Award: $825,090
Awarded Municipalities: All 30 municipalities within Dutchess County
Project Description: Countywide undercover unit concerned with reducing the sale and distribution of narcotics and drug crimes, working in partnership with the state police and Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office, saving more than $3.5 million, annually. This funding will provide the team with a consistent task force, alleviating the financial burden from the four departments who provide an officer currently, allowing the task force the ability to enhance operations, increase investigations and arrests, and increase property seizures.
The MIG grant program was implemented six years ago and has maintained a budget allocation of $1 million, annually. Additional information about the MIG program is available on the Department of Planning and Development’s website.