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Law enforcement, local stakeholders learn how to identify and prevent abuse

Published: 1/31/2025

POUGHKEEPSIE, NY — The Dutchess County Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS) today hosted its second annual Human Trafficking Awareness Forum at Dutchess Community College’s (DCC) James and Betty Hall Theatre in Poughkeepsie. More than 100 attendees, representing law enforcement, medical professionals, social service providers and community groups, attended this highly impactful event, which raised awareness of this national epidemic, discussed strategies to identify trafficking in all forms and connected attendees with resources.

Dutchess County Executive Sue Serino said, “Many people think trafficking only happens in big cities, but sadly, it can happen anywhere, even in our own community. Dutchess County remains vigilant and continues to raise awareness and protect victims of all ages, especially children. Today’s forum, and efforts like it, help spread awareness and can save lives. I appreciate everyone who joined us today, and Dutchess County looks forward to continuing our work with these dedicated partners.”

The Dutchess County Task Force Against Human Trafficking is a diverse team of professionals dedicated to combating human trafficking by collaborating to increase awareness, identify potential victims and deliver comprehensive, trauma-informed support. The task force’s initiatives include educational programs on trafficking prevention for youth and a variety of resources for the community, such as resource guides, hotline numbers, service directories and fact sheets debunking common trafficking myths.

Human trafficking, defined as the unlawful trade of individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for exploitative purposes, includes crimes such as forced labor, sexual exploitation and involuntary servitude. The International Labour Organization estimates more than 40 million people worldwide are victims of human trafficking. In 2024, the Dutchess County Task Force Against Human Trafficking received 31 local referrals of suspected trafficking cases – including referrals received from probation officers, youth service providers and staff at shelters for runaway and homeless youth.

This year’s forum presented attendees with a variety of offerings regarding human trafficking in all its forms, how to identify it and how to prevent it, including:

  • a discussion with two adult female trafficking survivors, who shared their personal stories;
  • a presentation by Homeland Security Investigations, which plays an integral role in combating human trafficking by working with its law enforcement partners to deter, disrupt and dismantle the criminal networks that engage in it;
  • a presentation from Special Agent Pao Mei Fisher with the FBI’s Hudson Valley Safe Streets Task Force; and
  • a case study presentation from DCC Professor Matthew Greenstein, a retired Connecticut detective and member of Dutchess County’s Human Trafficking Task Force.

Dutchess County is part of New York State’s Safe Harbour Program, which supports counties in developing their capacity to identify youth who have been trafficked, sexually exploited or are at risk of victimization, and to meet identified service needs of these youth. Attendees will also receive an overview of Dutchess County’s Safe Harbour Program and Center for Victim Safety and Support. 

DCFS Commissioner Sabrina Jaar Marzouka said, “Trafficking violates human rights, and this abusive crime must be confronted and eradicated. We are grateful to those in Dutchess County who courageously protect vulnerable individuals of all ages from such injustices. The partnerships formed at today’s forum will surely contribute to a safer future for many in our community, and we thank all who attended and presented.”

Residents can report suspected cases of trafficking 24/7 to the County’s Human Trafficking Hotline at 845-452-7272. Additional information about Dutchess County’s efforts to prevent human trafficking, as well as a resource guide for services providers, law enforcement and attorneys to develop a collaborative, trauma-informed response to identifying and responding to cases of suspected human trafficking is available on DCFS’ Human Trafficking Task Force webpage.