To: A. Gregg Pulver, Chairman & Members of the County Legislature
From: Macrus J. Molinaro County Executive
Date: February 1, 2022
Subject: Dutchess County Executive's Annual Report for 2021
Pursuant to the Dutchess County Charter, filed herewith is the County Executive's written report of the finances of the County and the activities of the Executive Branch of County Government for the year 2021.
I remain grateful for the longstanding partnership with the Dutchess County Legislature, a fruitful collaboration which has again resulted in the highest quality of service to residents throughout our community. Though not without its challenges, 2021 was undoubtedly a year of success for the various departments of Dutchess County Government, and I proudly submit to you the accomplishments and activities of the County workforce – devoted men and women who routinely go above and beyond to serve their Dutchess County neighbors. While still coping with a new reality brought on by a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, these individuals continued to adapt and innovate, fulfilling, as always, their mission to serve the residents of our great county. The selfless efforts of so many in our Dutchess County Government workforce never cease to amaze me, and that continued dedication to their duty can serve as a source of pride for every resident in this community. As this document illustrates, the best of Dutchess County is on display every day in our various departments and divisions, as well as the unparalleled services and programs they deliver to the nearly 300,000 people who call this county their home.
Eager to build on the successes detailed in the following pages, we will look ahead to a prosperous new year when I will host my annual State of the County Address. We will be determining a date for the annual address and look forward to having you join us as we continue our strong and rewarding partnership throughout 2022.
Thank you.