Poughkeepsie, NY … Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro announced the County’s Department of Planning & Development has released two annual reports detailing housing in Dutchess County: the longstanding Rental Housing Survey and a new For-Sale Housing Report.
The Rental Housing Survey has been published annually since 1980, and this year focuses on three rental categories: Market Rate Apartment Complexes (20+ units), Tax Credit and Inclusionary Apartments, and Subsidized Housing. The For-Sale Housing Report analyzes sales, prices, new home construction and housing characteristics for one-family homes, looking at trends both historically and in 2021. The reports combine to provide a comprehensive look at the state of housing in Dutchess County.
County Executive Molinaro said, “Communities throughout the nation, including Dutchess County, are facing housing challenges, though few are taking as many actions to overcome them as Dutchess. Two of those actions are our Rental Housing Survey and For-Sale Housing Report – critical resources to help local municipalities, developers and residents see the countywide view of both rental and home ownership issues and provide perspective on what needs to be done to ensure safe, affordable housing for all.”
Major takeaways from the 2021 Rental Housing Survey include:
The 2021 Rental Housing Survey includes a new section, the Overview of All Affordable Housing, which pulls together the data on affordable housing developments throughout the County and is paired with an explanation of different types of subsidies related to affordable housing – both past and present.
Major takeaways from the For-Sale Housing Report include:
The For-Sale Housing Report will now be published annually along with the Rental Housing Survey. The Department of Planning and Development welcomes feedback on the new report; any comments or questions can be sent to plandev@dutchessny.gov.
To similarly address local housing concerns, County Executive Molinaro is directing more than $12 million for the creation of a countywide Housing Trust Fund to provide a flexible and nimble funding source to aid the implementation of a variety of affordable housing efforts, as recommended in the 2022 Dutchess County Housing Needs Assessment, targeting affordability for low- and moderate-income residents throughout the County.