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Dutchess County COVID-19 Dashboard to be Updated with New Source Data
Change to streamline information and reduce confusion

Published: 5/7/2020

For More Information Contact:

Colleen Pillus, (845) 486-2000

Poughkeepsie… Effective May 8, 2020, Dutchess County’s COVID-19 Community Impact Data Dashboard will reflect new source data for several key data points, including deaths. The dashboard will use data from the New York State Department of Health to report total number of confirmed cases, tests completed and total deaths. The change comes following a large influx of fatality data received this week, primarily reported by local hospitals, that significantly increased the total number of COVID-19 related deaths of Dutchess County residents.

Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said, “We made a promise that as new information becomes available to us here in county government, we would be exceptionally clear and honest about the situation, and as accurate as possible. As we are not the reporting authority for much of the case data, and as the volume of data continues to increase, we want to ensure what is reported is clear and understandable. Streamlining the data reporting this way reduces confusion and keeps the public informed with the most up to date information available.” 

The New York State Department of Health has authority and oversight over many of the facilities reporting case data, including hospitals and nursing homes.   These facilities are not required to report to local health departments, including the Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health (DBCH). While DBCH does communicate regularly with each of the individual facilities and has been getting some of the data from them, it is difficult to reconcile on a daily basis with the state data and creates confusion for the public. Additionally, State data can include presumed positive cases in fatality numbers, unlike the data reported by local health departments. 

DBCH was recently provided access to the New York State Health Emergency Reporting Data System (HERDS), however, the data is reported in the aggregate and does not provide the necessary specificity for county reporting.

Active case data, which are the cases that DBCH are currently monitoring, will continue to be reported by DBCH as well as the breakdown by municipality and number of recoveries. COVID-19 hospitalizations will continue to be reported in coordination with local hospitals. The DBCH public health team is currently monitoring more than 2,100 active COVID-19 cases.

Dr. Anil Vaidian, Commissioner of Behavioral & Community Health, said, “There is an enormous volume of data being generated daily as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, much of which local health departments do not have direct access to. The state has been impressive, providing this aggregate data, by county, on a daily basis for the public, as this kind of data is generally only reported on an annual basis. However, it will take some time, likely several months, before all of the needed specific data is reported down to the local health departments.”

Dutchess County’s COVID-19 Community Impact Data Dashboard will continue to be updated daily, following New York State Department of Health data updates.