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Dutchess County Launches COVID-19 Data Dashboard

Published: 3/31/2020

For More Information Contact:

Colleen Pillus, (845) 486-2000

Poughkeepsie, NY… Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro announced today a new COVID-19 Data Dashboard is now available on Dutchess County’s website,, with multiple data points including current positive COVID-19 case confirmations, mapped by municipality. The dashboard also includes data on testing, hospitalizations, deaths and recoveries, as well as call volume.

County Executive Molinaro said, “With testing substantially expanded here in Dutchess County, we have quantitative, reliable data presented in a way that is clear and easy-to-access for the public. This localized data helps our public health and emergency response personnel, municipal partners, businesses, and residents fully understand the scope of this virus’ growing impact on our community.”

“This data demonstrates that every single community has been impacted by coronavirus. However, these are only confirmed cases – there are many more individuals who are asymptomatic or who have mild symptoms who have not been confirmed,” continued Molinaro. “It is critical to realize that every person in Dutchess remains at risk of exposure and every person must make it their personal responsibility to do their part to ensure they are not adding to these numbers – so while we know it is hard, stay the course – stay home, stay safe and stop the spread.”

Confirmed case information

The dashboard provides case count information including a total cumulative confirmed case count since Dutchess County’s first case was reported on March 13th.   Active case numbers are also available reflecting cases currently being monitored and not yet considered “recovered.” Current case numbers are highlighted, with tabs for historical graphs provided. Active cases are mapped by city, town and village, with total cases for each municipality displayed.

Hospitalizations, deaths and recoveries

The dashboard also lists information regarding hospitalizations, deaths and recoveries. Hospital data reflects the total number of individuals currently hospitalized in Dutchess County (not necessarily all Dutchess County residents) with a confirmed case (MidHudson Regional Hospital, Vassar Brothers Medical Center and Northern Dutchess Hospital). Fatality data reflects Dutchess County resident deaths caused by or related to COVID-19. Recovery data reflects Dutchess County residents who had a confirmed case of COVID-19 who are no longer symptomatic and are no longer being monitored by the Department of Behavioral & Community Health (DBCH).

Tests administered

Testing data reflects specimen collection taken from Dutchess County residents. Specimens are collected and then sent for testing. Test results can take up to 7 days and results are sent to the physician’s office who ordered the test.

Call data

Call data includes call history into Dutchess County’s Coronavirus Hotline at 845-486-3555 (for Spanish, press 9). The call center has been staffed by DBCH staff and dedicated volunteers 7 days a week since March 9th. The call center continues to be a valuable resources for many residents. Those interested in volunteering in the call center can sign up through the Dutchess Responds webpage at     

Dutchess County 9-1-1 call center data reflects all calls relating to COVID-19.   Residents should remember calls to 9-1-1 are for emergencies only. For information or questions relating to COVID-19, calls should be directed to the Dutchess County Coronavirus Information Hotline at 845-486-3555 (for Spanish, press 9).

The COVID-19 Data Dashboard will be updated daily, however there may be delays in updates for some data sets as information is received and verified.

Dutchess County Government continues to provide residents the most current information and guidance on its website,, its Coronavirus hotline, (845) 486-3555 (for Spanish, press 9), and its Facebook and Twitter accounts.