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Past Executive Orders 2024 - 2012

Executive Orders Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19


Executive Order No. 2, 2020 (.pdf) - Recission of Executive Order No. 2 of 2020 - August 13, 2021

Please Note: Local Emergency Orders can legally remain in effect for five days, unless extended or revoked sooner by the County Executive, and may be extended for additional five-day periods during the local State of Emergency declaration. Enforcement of Emergency Orders Related to COVID-19.

Expired Local Emergency Orders:

Executive Order No. 1, 2020 (.pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 3 2020 Relating to Winter Storm on December 15, 2020

Executive Order No. 1, 2019 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 2, 2019 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 1, 2018 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 2, 2018 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company:

Executive Order No. 3, 2018 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 4, 2018 (pdf)

Introduction: "I hereby issue the following Executive Order establishing a policy regarding the privacy of County employees' personal information to ensure that such personal information shall be kept private unless otherwise required by law."

Executive Order No. 1, 2017 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 2, 2017 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order amending the membership of the Dutchess County Community Development Advisory Committee.

Executive Order No. 3 2017 Relating to Winter Storm Stella

Executive Order No. 4, 2017 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order establishing a "No Smoking" policy for the following premises owned or controlled by the County of Dutchess...

Executive Order No. 1, 2016 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of monies received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 2, 2016 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order in connection with the following rules and procedures for the enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code with respect to buildings, premises and equipment in the custody of, or activities related thereto undertaken by, the County of Dutchess.

Executive Order No. 1, 2015 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneyes received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 2, 2015 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order amending the membership of the Dutchess County Community Development Advisory Committee.

Executive Order No. 3, 2015 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order creating the Dutchess County Agricultural Advisory Committee.

Executive Order No. 4, 2015 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order dedicating the Nelson House Park, located at 28 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, New York, to former New York State Senator Jay P. Rolison, Jr. in honor of his public service through which he improved and enhanced the quality of life for all those who live and work in the County of Dutchess.

Executive Order No. 5, 2015 (pdf)

Introduction: ...Ordered that the updated Cash Management and Investment Policy dated September 2015 attached hereto replaces the aforementioned policy and is established as the fiscal policy of the County of Dutchess. 

Executive Order No. 1, 2014 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 2, 2014 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order establishing a policy regarding the use of the County Seal of the County of Dutchess.

Executive Order No. 3, 2014 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order establishing a policy regarding meal reimbursement to Dutchess County Employees and Dutchess County funded contract agencies.

Executive Order No. 4, 2014 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order dedicating St. Andrew's Road in the Town of Hyde Park as Dutchess County Veterans Memorial Highway.

Executive Order No. 5, 2014 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order dedicating Dutchess County Route 7 (Beekman-Poughquag Road) to Kenneth Mallen of Beekman. 

Executive Order No. 1, 2013 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 2, 2013 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order revising the Dutchess County Community Development Advisory Committee.

Executive Order No. 3, 2013 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order in connection with the following rules and procedures for the enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code with respect to buildings, premises and equipment in the custody of, or activities thereto undertaken by, the County of Dutchess.

Executive Order No. 4, 2013 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 5, 2013 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order dedicating the Dutchess County Office Building, located at 22 Market Street in the City of Poughkeepsie, to former County Executive Lucille P. Pattison in honor of her public service through which she improved and enhanced the shared quality of life and community character for the County of Dutchess. 

Executive Order No. 6, 2013 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order dedicating the Dutchess County Courthouse, located at 10 Market Street in the City of Poughkeepsie, to Judge Albert M. Rosenblatt in honor of his public service through which he improved and enhanced the shared quality of life and community character for the County of Dutchess. 

Executive Order No. 7, 2013 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order dedicating the Dutchess Rail Trail, to former Dutchess Executive William R. Steinhaus in honor of his public service through which he improved and enhanced the shared quality of life and community character for the County of Dutchess.

Executive Order No. 1, 2012 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 2, 2012 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the Commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 3, 2012 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order which pertains to the duties and responsibilities of the Commissioner of Solid Waste Management.

Executive Order No. 4, 2012 (pdf)

Introduction: Pursuant to Section 3.02(g) of the Dutchess County Charter, I hereby designate the following banks and trust companies for the deposit of moneys received by the commissioner of Finance at the maximum amount set forth after the name of each bank or trust company.

Executive Order No. 5, 2012 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order in connection with the demolition of the structures located at 28 and 44 Market Street in the City of Poughkeepsie. 

Executive Order No. 6, 2012 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order pertaining to the Dutchess County Division of Central Services.. 

Executive Order No. 7, 2012 (pdf)

Introduction: I hereby issue the following Executive Order creating the Agency Partner Grant Program and the Municipal Consolidation and Shared Services Grant Program that will utilize a revised Dutchess County Community Development Advisory Committee to make award recommendations..