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Molinaro Urges Residents, Businesses, Municipalities to Document Storm Damage for Possible Reimbursement
Receipts, photos of damage can help expedite process

Published: 9/3/2021

Poughkeepsie, NY … Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro encourages local residents, businesses and municipalities that sustained damage from the remnants of Hurricane Ida this week to document their loss and reconstruction, as Dutchess County is currently working with the New York State Office of Emergency Management as the preliminary damage assessment process begins.

The County Executive recommends residents, businesses and municipalities that experienced a loss as a result of Ida take the following steps to document their damage:

  • Take photos of their loss or damage;
  • Assemble a list of damaged or lost items; and 
  • Collect receipts for materials they purchased to repair damage caused by Ida.

County Executive Molinaro said, “Though Ida has passed Dutchess County, her impact will be felt for weeks or, in some cases, even longer as some residents, businesses and municipalities in our community look to rebuild following this damaging storm. I urge those affected to take steps to document the storm’s impact. Such evidence will bolster their application for reimbursement from New York State, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other possible sources.”

As part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Aid process, the Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response is currently communicating with chief elected officials from each municipality, in an effort to gather cost estimates on public property and infrastructure damages. 

If the County’s and New York State’s public damage assessment threshold is met then FEMA individual Assistance, financial assistance and direct services to eligible uninsured and underinsured individuals and households can be considered.

Prior to Ida touching Dutchess County, County Executive Molinaro had been in contact – and remains in contact – with local municipal leaders. The County Executive’s Office has since reached out with local mayors and supervisors to ask for contact information for local businesses affected by the storm to assist in connecting them with FEMA in the event the federal government approved disaster assistance for small businesses. 

The Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce is similarly contacting its membership, and the County Executive’s Office is coordinating outreach through other business associations to identify businesses affected by Ida.