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Sap Happy Maple Weekend Returns to Bowdoin Park March 23-26
Popular favorites and new offerings coming to the park this year

Published: 2/24/2023

Poughkeepsie… Dutchess County Parks’ popular Sap Happy Maple Weekend returns to Bowdoin Park Thursday, March 23rd through Sunday, March 26th with a line-up of tasty, educational, and fun events for all ages. This year’s event will include new features such as a 5K run/walk as well as the return of the popular, in-person community pancake breakfast, with a “Best Pancake” competitive twist between Culinary Institute of America students and Parks staff. View the event flyer online.

“We look forward to a full line up of activities for this year’s Maple Weekend,” said County Executive William F.X. O’Neil. “Residents of all ages will have the opportunity to taste our own maple syrup, learn the history of the syrup-making process, and share in a little friendly competition for the best pancake! We are grateful to our community partners for their support in making this popular weekend better than ever.”

Sap Happy Maple Weekend events will be held in collaboration with the County’s Office for the Aging (OFA), Eastern Dutchess Road Runners Club, Sneaker Mutt, The Culinary Institute of America, and New York State Maple Producers Association. Bowdoin and Wilcox Park Maple Syrup will also be available throughout the weekend for cash purchase for $10 for 3.4oz or $15 for 8oz. bottles, while supplies last.

Bowdoin Park Sap Happy Maple Weekend Schedule:

  • Seniors Pancakes in the Park and Maple Bingo Thursday, March 23 10:30am-1:30pm. Auditorium. FREE, pre-registration required by calling 845-486-2555.
  • Maple Education Demos and Tasting: Sessions on Friday, March 24 and Sunday, March 26 at 10am, noon and 2pm. $5 per person. Register at
  • Sap Happy 5K Run/Walk Saturday, March 25 8:30am start, pre-registration required. Cost per person $20. Register at
  • In-Person Community Breakfast and Best Pancake Competition Saturday, March 25, 10am-1pm. Bowdoin Park Auditorium. Cost per person is $5; children 6 and under are free. Tickets are on a first come, first served basis.

Pancakes in the Park

In collaboration with OFA, residents ages 65 and older are invited to participate in Pancakes in the Park, which will be held in-person and will include a maple education demonstration and maple themed bingo. Seniors can pre-register by calling OFA at 845-486-2555. Reservations are required and are limited.

Maple Education Demos and Tasting

On Friday and Sunday, Parks staff will provide hands-on learning opportunities for all ages about the art and history of making maple syrup. Participants can watch the different steps of the maple syrup making process, from the tapping of trees at the park, to sap collection, and boiling it down to make syrup. Native American methods for creating maple sugar will also be explored. Sessions will be offered at 10am, noon, and 2pm. Classes are $5 per person and pre-registration is required. Register at

Sap Happy 5K Run/Walk

New this year, residents can participate in a 5K run/walk along the paved and gravel roadways within the park. The race steps off on Saturday, March 25th at 8:30am and is in partnership with Eastern Dutchess Road Runners Club and Sneaker Mutt. Bib pick up will begin 7:15am at Pavilion 5. All registered participants will receive a maple-themed winter hat and awards will be given to the top five male and female runners. Pre-registration is required and costs $20 per person or $15 for Eastern Dutchess Road Runners Club members. Register online at

Community Breakfast, Best Pancake Competition and Open House 

The in-person community breakfast returns, with a twist, on Saturday, March 25 from 10am to 1pm. Dutchess County Parks staff will challenge Culinary Institute of America students in a competition for the Best Pancake of 2023 based on attendees’ votes. Tickets are $5 per person (cash only at the door) and children 6 and under are free. Tickets are on a first come, first served basis and while supplies last. Walk-up Maple Education workshops will be held during the breakfast and are included with pancake breakfast entry.

NYS Maple Producers Mobile Classroom

Dutchess County Parks is a member of the New York State Maple Producers Association and is partnering with the Association to bring its Maple Experience Mobile Classroom to the Red Hook Public Library, located at 7444 South Broadway, Red Hook on Saturday, April 1st from 11:00am-2:30pm. This is an interactive, educational exhibit for all ages and no registration is required to attend.

To learn more about these events or other naturalist programs offered through Dutchess County Parks, call (845) 298-4600 or visit