For More Information Contact:
Michael A. Ellison (845) 486-2103
“This week the Budget, Finance & Personnel Committee continued to hear from Dutchess County departments impacted by the Executive’s proposed 2011 budget. Also, an independent financial review offered their findings to the Legislature. The same tone and message was found throughout all the presentations – national economic realities coupled with state mandates have put great pressure on County government to reduce spending by cutting programs and eliminating staff.
As we have advocated before, the priority of this Legislature must be to hold the line on taxes so as to ease the pain felt by far too many Dutchess County residents and businesses. To achieve this end, today the Republican Majority Caucus saved local taxpayers over $1 million adding to the nearly $400,000 in cuts made last week. By scaling back on spending the Legislature is making room for County fiscal obligations such as public safety and solid waste disposal that the County Executive failed to fund.
These proposed amendments made by the Republican Majority to the 2011 budget will be considered and adopted on Tuesday when the Budget, Finance & Personnel Committee advances its budget proposal to the full Legislature.”