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Dutchess County Legislature Declares May Mental Health Awareness Month

Published: 5/21/2010

For Release: May 21, 2010
Contact: Michael A. Ellison (845) 486-2103

Rolison, Legislators tout county services for those suffering with mental illnesses

Chairman Robert Rolison (R-Poughkeepsie) and members of the Dutchess County Legislature have declared May as Mental Health Awareness Month.

“One in four American adults, approximately 57.7 million, fall ill with a mental health disorder in any given year. It is safe to say that each of us know someone that suffers from a mental illness. Yet as widespread as mental illnesses may be, it is something not often discussed in public. I commend our Legislature for making this important health topic a priority not just for the month of May, but for all months of the year,” said Rolison.

Legislators Michael Kelsey and Alison MacAvery sponsored a resolution (2010161), adopted by the Dutchess County Legislature, that calls on county citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses and schools to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental illness.

“Dutchess County offers a wide array of services that can assist individuals and families in distress.  Nobody should feel ashamed of asking for help. Hope and recovery is possible,” Kelsey said. "Each of us should also do our part to educate ourselves about mental illness so as to eliminate stigma. Our society needs to appreciate and respect the dignity and intrinsic worth of all people especially those facing mental difficulties."

“During Mental Health Awareness Month we have an opportunity to better make known the counties services and maximize the most important message that depression, among others, is a real illness and can be treated,” said MacAvery.

For more information about Dutchess County Department of Mental Hygiene visit them online or contact their 24-hour crisis counseling, information and referrals hotline at 1-877-485-9700.