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Miccio: Protection of Consumers a Priority in the Advertisement of Motor Fuel Sales
Statement from Legislator James Miccio, Chairman of the Budget, Finance, and Personnel Committee

Published: 12/18/2012

For More Information Contact:

Catherine F. Durland
(845) 486-2103 


The Dutchess County Legislature amended the Local Law pertaining to the signage of motor fuel. With gasoline prices averaging near four dollars a gallon, motorists have called upon elected officials for consumer protection in the prevention of misleading and deceptive trade practices.

As many motor fuel stations now offer a cash discount price for gasoline, motorists have been lured by retailers with the reduce price fuel posted only to find the roadside sign only applies to cash purchases. In many cases, motorists depend on roadside signage in determining which retailer to patronize by using the signage as a means to comparison shop among competing stations.

The amendment calls for signage of motor fuel sales to display the standard retail price available to all retail customers without any discounts or special offers. Retailers are not prohibited from displaying discounted price so long as it is the same size as the regular price of gasoline. All signage must be in full compliance with local zoning ordinances and approvals and is not intended to authorize the installation or usage of any additional signs. The Local Law would take effect on April 1, 2013.

Legislator and Chairman of the Budget, Finance, and Personnel Committee James J. Miccio (R-Fishkill) stated, “The revision to the Local Law ensures that motorists are able to make informed decisions with respect to motor fuel purchases. Under the new provisions, gas stations offering fuel with a price differential between cash and credit will be required to post the higher price. This disclosure, we believe will prevent further misleading and deceptive signage.”