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Communicable Diseases

Physicians, laboratories, and school nurses in Dutchess County are encouraged to join the NYS Health Provider Network (HPN) and read their How to Apply Brochure (.pdf version).  They are also required by NYS NYCRR2.10 to report communicable specific diseases to the Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health (DBCH). 

The DBCH's Communicable Disease Control Division conducts surveillance and investigation of reportable communicable disease, and can provide diagnostic and treatment guidance.  Partner services including patient  location, education and prophylactic treatment of persons exposed to communicable diseases are also available.

Mandated communicable disease reporters may report by faxing a case report form to the DBCH-CDC Division at 845-486-3564. 

High Priority disease reports highlighted in red on the back of the NYSDOH reporting form require an immediate phone call to (845) 486-3402 whether suspected or confirmed. 

Routine reports may also be called to the same number.

Public Health Services


Positive Reporting form for physicians

HIV Services

Confidential and Anonymous HIV Counseling and Testing. Call 845-486-3402
DBCH offers HIV counseling and testing by appointment at 29 N. Hamilton Street - Suite 109, Poughkeepsie.

Partner Services Program. Call 845-486-3452
DBCH assists HIV-infected patients and their healthcare providers in contacting persons who may have been exposed; and will contact and counsel contacts regarding their potential exposure. Training is also available for healthcare providers.

HIV/AIDS Reporting 

Report all cases of HIV/AIDS by calling 845-486-3452 or 845-486-3479

This includes:

Physicians and laboratories are required to report HIV infection upon initial diagnosis that a person has AIDS or HIV- related illness to the AIDS Epidemiology Program at the State Health Department and to the local county Health Department. To report to the NYS Health Department medical providers must complete the NYS Medical Provider HIV/AIDS and Partner/Contact Report Form (PRF) (DOH-4189 revised 8/05) for all reportable cases and submit to the NYSDOH as instructed on the form.  Blank forms are available from the NYSDOH 518-474-4284. 

In order to protect patient confidentiality, faxing of reports is not permitted.

Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health can assist with supplying and completion of forms to assure legal reporting requirements are met, please contact 845-486-3452 or 845-486-3479.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs) 

Effective prevention of disease transmission begins with infections that are properly diagnosed, appropriately treated and fully reported to the local health unit in a timely and complete manner in accordance with the established laws and regulations.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Partner Notification

A Public Health Advisor will conduct a STD interview/counseling session without delay after the confirmed infection is reported to DBCH.  The rationale for this activity is:

Reporting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

The sexually transmitted diseases listed below should be reported:

Phone: 845-486-3401. After hours messages can be left at 845-486-3452
Confidential Fax: 845-486–3557 
Mail to: DBCH Att: CDCD  85 Civic Center Plaza - Suite 106., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

For reporting the sexually transmitted diseases listed below utilize the DBCH Sexually Transmitted Disease Reporting Form (.pdf). These forms are also available by calling 845-486-3401


Call: 845-486-3505  
It is a requirement of New York State Sanitary Code that all suspects and active Tuberculosis cases be reported within 24 hours.  Tuberculosis reports are mandatory if any of the following criteria are met:

Tuberculosis reports should be called in to 845-486-3505
After-hours - 845-431-6465

Tuberculosis - Health Services

Treatment for Active TB and Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI)
The DBCH provides free chest X-rays, physician exams, medication and lab work for persons with LTBI or active TB who are uninsured or under insured at the monthly pulmonary clinic, by appointment. 

Directly Observed Therapy (DOT)
Currently the standard of care, Directly Observed Therapy is available for all cases of tuberculosis.  DOT is also provided free of charge for patients diagnosed with LTBI who are determined to be at high risk for non-compliance.  Included in the standard of care for all active cases is to provide DOT free of charge.

Mantoux Skin Test is available at the DBCH clinic.


Mandatory Disease Reporting

Animal bites for which rabies prophylaxis is given







Food borne illness


Hepatitis A in a food handler



Meningitis (Haemophilus)

Meningitis (Meningococcal)




Q Fever


Rubella (including congenital rubella syndrome)


Streptococcal Infection (Group A beta-hemolytic strep)

Syphilis (specify stage)




Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

Animal Bites

Healthcare providers must immediately report suspected rabid animals and persons exposed. Provide the full name, age, address, and telephone number for any person under care, observation, or who has been exposed to any animal suspected of having rabies. All pertinent facts relating to such exposure must be provided.     


Report by phone any non-treponemal test ≥1:16 or any positive prenatal or delivery test regardless of titer; all others may be reported by mail.