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Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council

The Local Early Intervention Council (LEICC) is a group of parents, professionals and community members.  The purpose of LEICC is to provide a forum to discuss issues related to the needs of young children with developmental delays and their families, as well as share education, ideas, concerns and experiences.

As a parent of a special needs child, your participation on the Dutchess County LEICC can help ensure the quality and availability of services in our community.


What does the LEICC do and how can it benefit you and your family?

  • Provides information about what resources are available and how to access them.
  • Reports on local issues to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Early Intervention Coordinating Council.
  • Assists in developing and reviewing policies and procedures to make improvements to the Early Intervention Program (EIP).
  • Strengthens your support system by meeting fellow parents with similar concerns, as well as networking with members of the community.

How does my participation make a difference?

Parent participation provides insight into their child’s daily life and experiences while ensuring that processes and changes stay focused on actions that will be helpful.  It also allows for the sharing of successful strategies that have been used with your child to meet challenges, and discuss how the strategies might be valuable to other families and the group.

How often do meetings take place?

Meetings are held twice a year, typically in January and July.  An invitation is sent to members prior to the meeting with the date, time and location. Sign up with DutchessDelivery to receive notices of upcoming LEICC meetings.

Support is available to parent members for travel and childcare.

For more information or to join LEICC, please call the Dutchess County Early Intervention Division at 845-486-2759.