An emergency – be it a natural disaster such as a flood or hurricane, a power outage or a terrorist act – can occur quickly and without warning.
You can become better prepared to protect yourself and your family by developing a family emergency plan.
Most importantly, emergencies may strike when you and your family are away from home, so take the time now to learn about plans at work, school, or anywhere else you and your family spend time. And most importantly, know how to stay informed. Your local radio and television stations can provide you with up-to-date official information during an emergency.
Dutchess County Emergency Management recommends you take the following steps to create an emergency plan:
Often during an emergency, electricity, water, heat, air conditioning or telephone service may not work. The Dutchess County Emergency Management Division advises that you should be prepared to make it on your own for at least three days, maybe longer.
Use the checklist below to help you prepare for what you and your family will need. Consider two kits. In one put everything you will need to stay where you are. The other should be a lightweight, smaller version you can take with you if you have to evacuate.