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Storm Preparedness - Floods

Flooding can occur quickly and without much warning.  Rain and snow/ice thaws can cause flooding and affect homes, property and, most importantly, your safety.

Please take a moment to review this valuable information on how you can prepare and protect yourself and your family from a flood.

Inland Flooding

Severe thunderstorms, hurricanes and coastal storms produce large amounts of rain which could lead to inland flooding.  The Dutchess County Emergency Management Division encourages you to take the following actions to protect yourself and your family:

Flood: Know Your Terms

Familiarize yourself with these terms to help identify a flood hazard:

Flood Watch:  Flooding is possible. Tune in to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for information.

Flash Flood Watch:  Flash flooding is possible. Be prepared to move to higher ground; listen to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for information.

Flood Warning:  Flooding is occurring or will occur soon; if advised to evacuate, do so immediately.

Flash Flood Warning:  A flash flood is occurring; seek higher ground on foot immediately.

Act Now To Be Prepared

Develop and practice a 'family escape' plan and identify a meeting place if family members become separated.

During the Flood

After The Flood

Emergency Supplies Kit

Food and Water 

Emergency Plan

For more information on flooding and related topics, visit New York State Department of Health Flood Preparedness page.