Risk Management is your main point of contact at Dutchess County regarding enrolling in health insurance coverage.
Our recent Virtual Retiree Open Enrollment information forum has passed but we will be posting a recording of the seminar here (soon). The forum includes discussions outlining important differences between the health insurance plans that are available to retirees.
Please save the link DutchessNY.gov/Retiree to view our recording when it becomes available.
This year’s open enrollment will run from October 10th through October 27th. If you wish to make changes to your plan and/or move between carriers, your paperwork must be submitted by October 27th in order to be processed. If you are satisfied with your current plan and do not want to make any changes, your current plan will automatically roll over to the next year.
A question frequently asked is “when will notification of rate changes be sent?” In early December you can expect to receive notification in the mail from Beneration with this information. We make this information available as soon as possible, unfortunately we are not notified until late November.
For questions regarding specific services your plan may cover you should contact your insurance plan directly using the number on the back of your insurance card.
Please note: Beneration is changing their name to Self Bill Pro. You should be receiving correspondence from them shortly with their new name.
For questions regarding your monthly billing, you should contact NFP Solutions at (518) 244-4329
Please feel free to reach out via email at riskmanagement@dutchessny.gov or via phone 845-486-2169 with any questions you may have.
New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS)
Retirement System Membership information https://www.osc.ny.gov/retirement/members/understanding-your-nyslrs-membership
NYS Retirement Forms https://www.osc.ny.gov/retirement/forms?redirect=legacy
Retirement Online https://web.osc.state.ny.us/retire/sign-in.php
New York State Deferred Compensation Plan (NYSDCP) https://www.nysdcp.com/rsc-web-preauth/index.html
If you are eligible for retiree health insurance coverage but do not currently have coverage you may enroll during our open enrollment period. Open Enrollment for eligible retirees occurs during the Month of October for a January 1 effective date of coverage. The only exception to the traditional open enrollment time period would be if you are experiencing a Qualifying Life Event like: loss of coverage, Marriage, Divorce, adoption, death of a spouse, change of place of residence or becoming Medicare eligible. You must elect coverage within 30 days of the Qualifying Life Event so please contact Risk Management immediately if you have any questions.
Dutchess County offers 2 health insurance providers to retirees. The NYSHIP plan is a PPO with a large national network of providers available in most areas of the country. This plan can be used by both pre-65 Retirees and as a Medicare Supplement plan for plus-65 Retirees. The MVP plan is a regional HMO network that has many providers available but limited downstate coverage and no out of state providers. This plan is only for those that are pre-65 non-Medicare. The MVP Gold plan is a Medicare Advantage plan that is specifically designed for Seniors with Medicare. The MVP Gold plan also uses MVP’s regional provider network. There are many participating providers but limited downstate providers and no out of state providers.
Open Enrollment for retirees is in October. You only need to notify Risk Management if you will be making a change, you do not need to notify us if you plan on keeping the same plan. Your current coverage will roll over automatically.