To report a death, call the 24/7 Hotline 845-431-9177.
Physicians may be required to report a death to the Medical Examiner if the death occurs in unexplained or sudden circumstances, including:
Any sudden death of a person in apparent good health (adult or child).
Deaths which occur unattended by a physician and where no physician can be found to certify the cause of death.
Any death which may constitute a threat to public health.
All deaths due to:
Criminal violence
Criminal neglect or resulting from an unlawful act
All accidents (vehicular, construction, recreational, home) and all cases in which a traumatic injury may have contributed to death, regardless of when the trauma occurred.
Stillbirths and neonatal deaths when there is a history of maternal drug abuse or trauma, and fetuses born unattended by a physician or midwife.
All deaths caused by alcohol abuse, drug abuse, chemical overdose, or poisoning.
All deaths in custody (persons in jail, prison or detention, persons in police custody, and hospitalized prisoners, regardless of the duration of hospitalization).
All deaths due to disease or injury resulting from employment.
Any death which occurs under suspicious or unusual circumstance.
When there is no legal next of kin or court-appointed guardian.