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Sheriff’s Office Police Reform & Modernization Plan Released

Published: 2/5/2021

For More Information Contact:

Captain John Watterson, 845-486-3860

Dutchess County Sheriff Adrian "Butch" Anderson announces that the Sheriff’s Office’s plan for police reform & modernization has been completed and will immediately be released for public review and comment. 

In June 2020 Governor Cuomo signed Executive Order No. 203, which mandated that each law enforcement agency adopt, and local governments certify, a plan for reform by April 1, 2021. Executive Order 203 is aimed at modifying police practices in order to better address the needs of communities of color and help eliminate racial inequities in policing. In order to meet the requirements of the Executive Order and enhance the professionalism within the Sheriff’s Office, a team of individuals from within the Sheriff’s Office was dedicated to developing the plan over the course of several months.

Members of the public are encouraged to review and comment on the Sheriff’s Office’s plan for reform & modernization. To review the plan please visit one or both of the following:

Public comments & suggestions about the plan can be made until Friday 2/26/21 by emailing them to Once the public comments have all been reviewed and appropriate changes are made to the plan it will then be sent to the Dutchess County Legislature for certification. Our Police Reform & Modernization Plan will be permanently posted on the Sheriff’s Office’s website and Facebook page for public inspection at any time.