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Sheriff’s Office offers safety tips for Halloween

Published: 10/23/2013

For More Information Contact:

Captain John Watterson 
(845) 486-3860 

Poughkeepsie…The Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office would like to urge parents and caregivers who may have children going out to “Trick-or-Treat” to be sure that their children follow a few simple safety measures to help them be safe on this upcoming Halloween.

Although Halloween is meant to be a time of fun, it also places children in potentially dangerous traffic situations since they are out on the streets after dark. In addition there is generally an increase in traffic on the roadways, either because of people transporting their children to “Trick-or-Treat” locations or going to Halloween parties. In order to be safer while walking on the roadways, the Sheriff’s Office urges parents and children to please follow these tips:

  • Be bright at night—use reflective tape on costumes and treat bags, were light colors, and carry flashlights.
  • Don’t wear a costume that obstructs vision, and wear lighter colored costumes.
  • Look all ways and listen for traffic before crossing roadways.
  • Cross at corners, not between parked cars or mid-block.
  • Always walk on the sidewalks if there are any, but if there are no sidewalks then walk facing traffic on the left side of the road.
  • Younger children should always be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

In addition to the above it is urged that parents always look through their child’s candy before allowing the child to eat the candy, to avoid the child eating something that could be harmful to them.

As for the older children and young adults that will be out “Trick-or-Treating” and/or attending parties this Halloween the Sheriff’s Office wishes to remind them to always drive safely and watch for kids on the roadways, and to always have a designated driver if they consume alcoholic beverages. In addition kids under 18 yrs of age are reminded that some Townships in Dutchess County have curfews which limit the hours that they can be out on Halloween, and the Sheriff’s Office and other police agencies throughout the county will be out patrolling to actively enforce those curfews. Please contact your local Town or Village Hall is you are unsure about your town’s curfew, and have a safe and happy Halloween.