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Joint-Agency Roving Sobriety Checkpoint Conducted

Published: 7/8/2013

For More Information Contact:

Lieutenant Frank LaMonica Jr.
(845) 486-3800

From 11:00pm on Friday July 5, 2013 thru 5:00am on July 6, 2013 the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office conducted a joint-agency roving Sobriety Checkpoint with the New York State Police in conjunction with the New York State STOP-DWI Fourth of July crackdown period of July 3 – July 8. The first checkpoint was conducted on the Mid Hudson Bridge with the second one conducted on State Route 9 (southbound) & South Ave in the City of Poughkeepsie.  Part of this detail was funded by the Governors Traffic Safety Board and the NYS STOP-DWI Foundation which awarded Dutchess County STOP-DWI an Impaired Driving Enhancement Initiative Grant in an effort to revitalize and enhance the visibility of the STOP-DWI Program through multi-agency impaired driving checkpoints and patrols.  Some of these details are scheduled to target identified statewide crackdown enforcement periods and include the assignment of certified Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) to aid in the identification and apprehension of drivers impaired by drugs other than alcohol with a DRE from the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office assigned to assist at this checkpoint.   Many of these checkpoints and patrols have already been conducted by local police agencies including the sheriff’s office, Town of Hyde Park PD, Town of East Fishkill PD, City of Beacon PD, Village of Red Hook PD and Millerton PD.

A total of 2526 vehicles passed thru both checkpoints with a total of 4 persons arrested with 3 impaired driving arrests made, averaging 1 impaired driving arrest for every 842 vehicles that came thru the checkpoints. Additionally a total of 24 vehicles were identified to have designated drivers. Below is a listing of arrestees and charges.

Wilfredo Garcia (30 yoa) of Poughkeepsie was charged with DWI & BAC .08% or more both misdemeanors.

Berenice Gomez-Tagle (33 yoa) of Tennessee was charged with DWI & BAC .08% or more both misdemeanors and other traffic infractions.

Janet Marrero (25 yoa) of Poughkeepsie was charged with DWI a misdemeanor.

Additionally a 22 yoa male from Wappinger was charged with Unlawful Possession of Marihuana (a violation). 

*All subjects arrested and charged are alleged to have committed the crime and are presumed innocent until proven guilty and are to appear in the City of Poughkeepsie Court at a later date with Gomez-Tagle to appear in the Town of Poughkeepsie Court.