For More Information Contact:
Captain John Watterson, (845) 486-3860
Poughkeepsie…The Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office reports the investigation into a 3-vehicle fatal auto accident, which occurred on State Route 9G in the Town of Hyde Park at approximately 10:10 am on 9/5/13.
Sheriff’s Deputies responded along with the Town of Hyde Park Police to Route 9G approximately ¼ mile north of Greentree Drive for a report of an auto accident, and upon arrival it was discovered that one person was dead at the scene and another injured. The deceased has been identified, however the identity will be withheld pending the notification of the next of kin. The drivers were the only occupants in all three vehicles, and the involved vehicles and drivers are as follows:
Preliminary investigation has indicated that vehicle 1 was northbound on 9G, and vehicles 2 and 3 were southbound on 9G (veh. 3 behind veh. 2). Vehicle 1 failed to keep right and crossed into the southbound lane, at which time it struck vehicle 2 head-on. As a result of that collision vehicle 2 was turned so that it now faced east, and was then struck broadside by vehicle 3. Vehicle 3 was carrying 20 55-gallon containers of Sil-ACT, which is a flammable liquid used in building materials. The containers were not compromised and did not rupture or leak after the accident.
The investigation is continuing by members of the Sheriff’s Office Accident Investigation Unit with the assistance of the New York State Department of Transportation Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit and the Dutchess County Medical Examiner. The Sheriff’s Office was assisted at the scene by the Town of Hyde Park Police and Roosevelt Fire Department. Route 9G between Greentree Drive and Deer Hill Road has been closed for investigation since the accident occurred, and is expected to be closed until approximately 5 pm. As the investigation progresses more information may be released as it becomes available.