Plan outdoor adventures in Dutchess County.
Parks & Trails is a map-based website containing information for nearly 200 parks, 380 miles of trails, and a large collection of 360-degree photos. It invites visitors of all ages and abilities to search and find destinations in Dutchess County based on their desired activities, fitness goals, or physical abilities.
Map-based parcel lines and property information.
A searchable map with all Dutchess County property boundaries and extensive amount of current property information are made available to you. Pertinent information such as wetlands, flood zones and elevations are also presented to help describe properties.
Map viewer for Dutchess County municipal zoning.
A map of all Dutchess County municipalities' zoning codes, aggregated into a single place. Zones and zone overlays can be viewed in a town-by-town basis or countywide.
Address-based search tool to extract pertinent information.
Address Info-Finder provides basic information and links to more detailed information for official addresses within Dutchess County, NY. It’s a tool to verify an address and generate a report for related elected officials, road authorities, school districts, emergency service agencies and more.
Locate bicycle parking and routes throughout Dutchess County.
A searchable map of bike parking locations in Dutchess County combined with rail trails and designated bike routes to enable bicyclists to locate parking and places of interest near their planned destination.
The County’s built environment through history.
An extensive review of landscape and cultural assets was conducted in the mid-1980’s. These ‘marked-up” maps and related documents are a valuable source of historical information.
A collection of current and historic aerial photos dating back to 1936.
The application allows users to select two flight years and overlay them to see what changes have occurred over time. A time sequence print out is also available. Be sure to read the 'Info' and 'Basics' sections in the application to obtain a better understanding of the aerial photos being viewed.
Transportation projects that use federal or transit funding.
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) represents the formal capital program that assigns federal funds to highway, bridge, bikeway, pedestrian, transit, and demand management projects to be undertaken over five federal fiscal years. This viewer maps each of these projects and provides details including estimated costs.
Traffic Counts and other information displayed geographically.
The Traffic Data Application is a geographical display of traffic information collected by New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and the Dutchess County Traffic Council (DCTC).
The application also provides access to this traffic information via tabular format, and allows the user to create and download simple charts from the data.
Does your zoning action need to be Referred?
When private or municipal actions involve zoning, and fall within buffers of certain legislated geographic features, the action must be referred to Dutchess County Planning & Development for review (NYS GML #239 L&M). This tool helps identify those actions to refer, based on their location.
Parcel map viewer for Dutchess County agricultural district.
This map viewer shows the boundaries of the County’s agricultural district as of the most recent 8-Year Certification Process.
A map viewer for Dutchess County’s legislative districts.
Explore the current district boundaries of Dutchess County’s legislature and connect with the elected legislators. Includes an address search function and cross-links to other useful Dutchess County sites and applications.
Planning for our transportation future.
Moving Dutchess Forward is the long-range transportation plan for Dutchess County, New York. It serves as the strategic guiding document to improve transportation in Dutchess County over the next 25 years.
A better understanding of the natural resources in Dutchess County.
The Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) catalogs the physical and biological characteristics of an area, collects the data in a usable format, and interprets the findings. It serves as a tool for county or regional planning and project assessment.
An assessment of climate change and its impacts on transportation in Dutchess County.
Resilient Ways Forward is a climate vulnerability assessment that identifies locations where our transportation system is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Options are available for individuals wanting to access the web applications other than from home. There are numerous public workstations throughout the County. There are public workstation available at: