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Home Energy Services

The Dutchess County Office for the Aging is available to assist income-eligible Dutchess residents over age 60 with home energy needs through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and the Weatherization Assistance Program.

Older adults of limited income may be eligible for HEAP, which can provide a one-time credit towards fuel or heating utility bills during the fall and winter months.  Older adults who qualify for HEAP may also be entitled to up to two additional credits depending on their financial situation.

Homeowners who qualify for HEAP can also apply for the Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement (HERR) and Heating Equipment Clean and Tune programs, to address any heating maintenance needs.  Homeowners may also be eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), which can fund modifications to the home for heating and energy efficiency. Contact OFA for details on these programs.

During warmer months, older adults with health issues impacted by the heat may be eligible for the Cooling Assistance Program (CAP), which can provide an air conditioner if the household doesn’t already have one. Each year's HEAP cooling assistance benefit season begins in the mid-to-late spring and continues until late August or New York State funding runs out, whichever comes first. 

For questions about any of these programs, call the OFA HEAP hotline at 845-486-2553 or email


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