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Transportation for Older Adults

There are a number of transportation services designed to serve older adults in Dutchess County. Below is a summary of those which are funded by county and local governments as well as those carried out by volunteer organizations.

Your local houses of worship may also have volunteers who help older adults with their transportation needs.


Available Services 

Funded wholly or in part by the Dutchess County Office for the Aging:

Dutchess County Office for the Aging Vans and Buses (845-486-2555 or transport older adults to our eight OFA Friendship Centers, along with recreational and shopping trips offered to center attendees.

Community Action Partnership of Dutchess County (845-452-5104 or picks up older adult residents of the city of Beacon who do not drive, and transports them to OFA's Beacon Friendship Center at Forrestal Heights. Also, any older adult that does not drive and regardless of whether they attend the Friendship Center, may be eligible to be transported to Walmart or Shop Rite in Fishkill once per week for one hour of shopping.

Friends of Seniors (845-485-1277) provides non-emergency medical transportation (and other services) for older adults, including doctor visits, labs, physical therapy, dental appointments, dialysis and surgical procedures. (Note: As of August 2023, Friends of Seniors services have been taken over by Catholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess County.)

GoGo Grandparent (GoGo) is an on-demand transportation option for older adults in Dutchess County who are not on Medicaid and have no other options for transportation, with limited free rides to non-emergency medical appointments within Dutchess County for GoGo clients who have registered with OFA. GoGo is available anywhere Uber/Lyft drivers operate in Dutchess County. Call OFA at 845-486-2555 to register with GoGo and check availability of free non-emergency transportation. Click here for a flyer explaining how GoGo works.
     (NEW) GoGo is now also available for older adults in Dutchess County, regardless of Medicaid status, for the purpose of visits to loved ones in a hospital, nursing home or hospice within Dutchess County. Contact OFA for details. 

North East Community Center (518-592-1399 extension 101, or provides transportation services for residents of the towns of Amenia, Dover, North East, Stanford and Washington, and the villages of Millerton and Millbrook, via the Care Car.  They also coordinate the Northeast Dutchess Transit Program which can additionally assist residents of the towns of Pine Plains, Stanford and Washington.

Pawling Resource Center (845-855-3459) serves the transportation needs of older Pawling residents.  They will travel to Putnam County or nearby Connecticut.

Government and Not For Profit transportation services:

Dutchess County Public Transit (845-473-8424) - Fixed routes, Rail Link Shuttles and Flex service throughout Dutchess County operating seven days a week, in 30-180 minute frequencies.

Included within Dutchess County Public Transit are the following services:

Dial-A-Ride (845-473-8424) is provided by Dutchess County Public Transit and available to residents of the towns of Fishkill, East Fishkill, Hyde Park, Poughkeepsie, Wappinger and City of Poughkeepsie.  Pre-registration is required.

Dutchess County Public Transit ADA Complementary Paratransit (845-473-8424) is operated by Dutchess County Public Transit and provides transportation services in a number of locations from a rider's home to his or her destination.  Reservations are required and service availability may be limited.  In addition, ADA Complimentary Paratransit Service is available for qualified individuals who live within 3/4 mile of a regularly scheduled Dutchess County Public Transit bus route.  For more information about ADA Complementary Paratransit services, click here or call Dutchess County Public Transit at 845-473-8424.

Amtrak Several Amtrak routes stop at the rail stations in Poughkeepsie and Rhinecliff. For more information go to or call 800-872-7245

Castle Point (845-831-2000) transports veterans to medical appointments at Veterans Hospitals. View Bus/Shuttle Schedule (schedule covers both Castle Point and the Montrose VA facility in Westchester County)

Community Senior Transportation Program (845-485-1277) is for LaGrange & Pleasant Valley senior citizens for recreation and shopping.  No medical appointments, and this service is not wheelchair accessible.  

Metro North MTA Two Metro North Railroad lines run through Dutchess County. The Hudson Line runs between Poughkeepsie and Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan, with stops at New Hamburg and Beacon. The Harlem Line runs between Wassaic and Grand Central, with stops at Tenmile River, Dover Plains, Wingdale and Pawling.

Printable Transportation brochure (.pdf)