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Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is when a person does things to control someone else in an intimate relationship. A shift in power can happen so slowly over time that the other person may not even remember when it happened; it can also happen quickly after some sort of commitment or a change in the relationship.

Physical abuse is only one of many ways a partner might try to gain power and control in a relationship. Domestic violence can also involve abuse or violence against children, parents, or the elderly. It takes a number of forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, and sexual abuse.

What are the Domestic Violence Services offered by the Department of Community and Family Services?

  • All applicants for, and recipients of public assistance and are discretely screened to determine those affected by domestic violence. Individual identified are referred to a trained DV Liaison who assess the safety of the victim and the victim’s dependents;
  • Determine the need for public assistance waivers where compliance with requirements would place them at risk of harm; and
  • Coordinate activities with other case managers.

Residential and non-residential services are available including:

  • Information & Referral Services
  • Advocacy
  • Counseling
  • Community Education/Outreach Activities
  • Child Care & Selective Supportive Services.
  • Domestic Abuse Response Team
  • Lethality Assessment Program & High Risk DV Violence Case Management; 
  • Family Advocate/Latina Outreach Services;
  • Children’s Services Liaison Services;
  • Family Court Advocacy;
  • Youth Education Prevention Services;
  • Legal Representation Services.


  • 845-486-3000
  • 845-486-3090
  • Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS)
    60 Market Street
    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
  • Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

The Department contracts with the following agencies to provide the above services.


The Center for Victim Safety and Support provides 24 hour comprehensive assistance to all primary and secondary crime victims (i.e. domestic violence, sexual assault, robbery, assault, etc.) in the form of crisis intervention, safety planning, emotional support, advocacy, accompaniment (courts, police department, medical, social services, etc), individual and support group counseling, information and referral, children services, assistance with filing a claim through the NYS Office of Victim Services for compensation, and 24 hour crisis hotlines for domestic violence, rape crisis, and crime victims.

As a victim of a crime in New York, you have a number of rights afforded to you by law.

You have the right:

Family Services, Inc.
29 North Hamilton Street
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 

Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline 845-485-5550
Rape Crisis/Crime Victims 24-Hour Hotline 845-452-7272

Business Line: 845-452-1110


Services provided include shelter and transitional apartments for women and children victims of domestic violence-crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy, groups, children's programs, follow-up services. Non-residential services are also provided to males.

24-Hour Hotline - 845-471-3033 OR 518-789-6977


This facility is a domestic violence shelter with 14 beds in Southern Dutchess New York and provides 24 hour assistance, counseling and crisis intervention. The mission of the facility is to eliminate sexual assault and domestic violence through sensitive prevention, intervention, and treatment. We believe "There is Hope" for every person.

House of Faith
P.O. Box 1326
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Business lines: 845-765-0293; 845-765-0295; 845-765-0296
Hotline: 845-765-0294