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Department of Community and Family Services

The mission of the Department is to provide temporary assistance to sustain low income and disabled persons, and to protect and support individuals in achieving the greatest degree of independence. 

10 Ways We Can Help You

  1. Temporary Assistance including emergency aid 845-486-3190
  2. Children's Services Preventive & Protective 845-486-3080
  3. Child Support Programs 888-208-4485
  4. Youth Services 845-486-3024
  5. Day Care Assistance 845-486-3190
  6. HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) Assistance with Heating Costs 845-486-3249
  7. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Food Assistance (aka Food Stamp) 845-486-3250
  8. Medicaid 845-486-3340 or 855-355-5777
  9. Adult Protective Services 845-486-3300
  10. Emergency Housing 845-486-3300

Download a .pdf of "10 Ways We Can Help You"


  • 845-486-3000
  • 845-486-3090
  • Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS)
    60 Market Street
    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
  • Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

Important Notices

New York State ERAP Applications Are No Longer Being Accepted

Please beware of fraudulent websites claiming to collect ERAP information on behalf of New York State.

If you need to access your ERAP account, only use the official New York State ERAP Portal.  Please exercise caution and avoid sharing personal information on unauthorized websites.

Do you need help paying for overdue water and wastewater bills? 

Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) can help.
For more information, visit 

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

Low-income families and individuals may be eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) that provides monthly discounts for broadband service, and a one-time discount for a computer/tablet. Consumers need to enroll in the ACP with a participating provider that offers connected devices (Note: not all internet companies offer device discounts). For more info check out:

Need to pay Child Support, Medicaid Spenddown, Assistance Repayments, or Temporary Housing Share?

No need to travel to our office, pay 24/7 with a credit card. Click MAKE A PAYMENT for this option.


From the comfort of your home use NYDocSubmit, a mobile application that allows applicants and recipients to take pictures of their documents and submit them to our office using their Apple iOS or Android device. The app is free and available for download on Google Play™ or Apple App Store™. NYDocSubmit (Frequently Asked Questions)


Low Income Assistance

Services for Children, Adults and Families

Other Resources and Information

Domestic Violence

Find information about required domestic violence services (including identification of victims, provision of services, and available services 

Expectations, Rights and Responsibilities

When you seek assistance Dutchess County Department of Community & Family Services, you have rights as well as responsibilities. The following information should be helpful for you to understand what you can expect and how your can best be prepared.

Fair Hearings

If an applicant believes the Department has made an incorrect decision, they have the right to request a fair hearing.


The Special Investigations Unit is responsible for the investigation of fraud abuse allegations for Temporary Assistance, SNAP, Medicaid and Child Care programs

Publications, Plans and Policy

New York State Executive Law Chapter 18, Article 10, Section 202-a, establishes New York’s Statewide Language Access Policy. This Plan explains how DCFS make sure that Limited Eng-lish Proficient (“LEP”) individuals have meaningful access to agency services, programs, and ac-tivities thorough out New York State.

View or Download the 2024 Language Access Plan (.pdf)

Important Contact Information

Child Abuse – Hotline at 1-800-342-3720
Adult Protective Services Helpline (8am - 5pm Monday – Friday) 1-844-697-3505
Welfare Fraud Report Line 1-800-367-4448
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit 212-417-5397
New York State Medicaid/Medical Assistance Fraud 1-877-873-7283
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Fraud 1-800-269-0271
Social Security Disability Insurance Fraud 1-800-269-0271
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Vendor Fraud 1-800-424-9121 or email
Office, Division or Program Phone
Contact Information