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Molinaro Announces First Round of Agency Partner Grant: Infrastructure Awards

Published: 1/11/2022

Poughkeepsie, NY ... Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro announced today the first round of funding awards, totaling $904,500 for six projects, through the 2022 Dutchess County Agency Partner Grant (APG): Infrastructure Program. The APG: Infrastructure Program awards are given to local 501(c)(3) non-profit agencies to implement capital and operating infrastructure initiatives, providing critical resources that allow them to continue to address service gaps and critical needs throughout Dutchess County.

With support from the Dutchess County Legislature in December, $3 million was allocated in the 2022 Dutchess County Budget for the APG: Infrastructure Program. Additional awards will be announced in the coming months.

County Executive Molinaro said, “I thank the Legislature for allocating funding for this grant program. Due to the restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our local non-profit agencies did not have the resources to proceed with capacity-building infrastructure projects. This funding will enable these agencies to operate more efficiently while providing them with the tools to better serve and expand their reach to those most vulnerable in the community.”

Projects funded through the 2022 Agency Partner Grant: Infrastructure Program include:

NAMI Mid-Hudson, Inc. - $25,000 to expand mental health programming and outreach efforts throughout Dutchess County through the purchase of new technology equipment. 

Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. - $20,000 to replace antiquated and non-accessible office equipment, upgrade office doors to enhance security and accessibility, and purchase video equipment to expand community education and engagement for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Dutchess Outreach - $65,000 for equipment purchases, including refrigeration and cold storage repairs and upgrades, an inventory management system, point of sale (POS) equipment, and pantry shelving and storage to increase the organization’s capacity to store, process and distribute meals to low-income, food-insecure individuals and families throughout Dutchess County.

The Art Effect - $560,500 to complete the gallery space at The Trolley Barn, which hosts youth-led exhibitions and performances showcasing students’ artwork, including the purchase of equipment, such as mounted and multi-surface projectors, a sound system, screens and a portable stage, as well as for the costs related to the engineering and design needs for The Trolley Barn construction build-out to allow the organization to fulfill its mission of empowering young people to develop their creative voice to shape their futures and bring about positive social change.

Bardavon 1869 Opera House - $34,000 to support theatre safety and efficiency upgrades for staff and patrons, including the purchase of new lighting, soundboards, stage curtains, wireless microphones, laptops and software at the theater, which routinely offers performances for local school groups throughout Dutchess County.

Millbrook Library - $200,000 to support the repair and upgrade of the library’s current heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system to an energy-efficient model, allowing the community to comfortably enjoy the library’s programming and services year-round.

Legislator Deirdre Houston said, “More than ever, many Dutchess County residents need the vital services these important organizations provide. I’m proud of the County’s Agency Partner Grant: Infrastructure Program, as well as my legislative colleagues’ support which made it possible, enabling these non-profits to deliver these critical programs.”

The Agency Partner Grant (APG): Infrastructure Program provides funding opportunities for Dutchess County non-profit organizations with a 501(c)(3) designation. Funding is awarded to organizations on a competitive basis, based on ability to demonstrate a capital and/or operating infrastructure project need which will provide organizations with the resources needed to continue to fulfill critical community needs. Additional information about the APG Program is available online.

Dutchess County received a total of 24 APG: Infrastructure applications, requesting over $5.1 million in funding.