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Legislator Kelsey Appointed to Joseph F. Barnard Memorial Law Library Board of Trustees
Law Library is a valuable resource for all Dutchess County residents

Published: 9/23/2011

For More Information Contact:

Michael A. Ellison (845) 486-2103


At the recommendation of Dutchess County Legislature Chairman Robert G. Rolison, Legislator Michael N. Kelsey was recently appointed by the State of New York Unified Court System to the Board of Trustees for the Joseph F. Barnard Memorial Law Library.

“The Law Library is an important resource for all Dutchess County residents,” said Rolison. “When the Unified Court System approached me to fill this appointment I did not hesitate to nominate Mike Kelsey. Mike is a strong advocate for his constituents with tremendous passion for educating others. I am sure he will dedicate ample time and energy to maintaining and operating our precious Law Library.”

Michael N. Kelsey is a 2005 graduate of Quinnipiac University of Law in Hamden, Connecticut. He is a current member of the Dutchess County Bar Association and operates his own private law practice in addition to being an adjunct professor at Marist College. Legislator Kelsey was elected to represent the 25th District in 2009.

“Prior to law school I used the Law Library to conduct my own research into intestacy statues. My father passed away without a will and we didn’t have any money to hire an attorney. The librarians there were very knowledgeable and helpful to me as a layman in my effort to navigate the complex legal system. It is from this experience that I strive to be both a legislator and educator. Here is my chance to give back. As a Law Library Trustee I look forward to helping build up this important County resource while making sure citizens know about it and utilize it,” said Kelsey.

Law Library Trustees serve for a term of two years without pay. There are four Trustees appointed by the Court Chief Administrator and they include a local justice, a practicing attorney, a member of the County Legislature, and a member of the County Bar Association. The Joseph F. Barnard Memorial Law Library is located at 50 Market Street in the City of Poughkeepsie.