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Individuals Needed to Serve on Dutchess County Boards, Councils, Committees
Chairman Rolison, County Legislators continue to look for fresh perspectives, new ideas

Published: 2/15/2011

For More Information Contact:

Michael A. Ellison
(845) 486-2103


Chairman Robert Rolison (R-Poughkeepsie) announced today the Dutchess County Legislature continues to actively seek community-minded individuals who are interested in serving as legislative appointments to various public boards, councils, and committees. Rolison said this is a fluid process and encourages anyone interested in volunteering their time and talents to contact his office. 

“Dutchess County government touches nearly every family in every corner of our diverse County. Since being elected as Chairman in January of 2010, I have sought ways to encourage greater public participation in County government that would bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to address the many challenges our communities face. You can be a part of the solutions by offering your time and talents in service to the people of Dutchess County,” said Rolison.

The Chairman and/or the Legislature will soon interview for positions on the following….

  • Board of Health
  • Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Domestic Violence
  • Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Sex Offender Management
  • Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Small Business
  • Environmental Management Council
  • Fire & Safety Advisory Board
  • Veteran Affairs Committee

Chairman Rolison reminds interested individuals that positions are competitive and may require unique knowledge of a particular subject area (i.e. Environmental Management Council) or experience in a certain field (i.e. Veteran Affairs Committee). If you, or anyone you know, would like to be considered for a volunteer position, please send a resume and a brief letter of interest to the Dutchess County Legislature no later than Friday, March 4. Appointment materials can be sent to the attention of Michael Ellison at 22 Market Street 6th Floor Poughkeepsie NY 12601, faxed to 486-2113, or e-mailed to

Questions and concerns can be directed to the Dutchess County Legislature at 486-2100.