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Dutchess County Legislature Needs Volunteers
Chairman Rolison announces vacancies on two legislative boards -- Mental Hygiene & Heritage Days

Published: 10/14/2011

For More Information Contact:

Michael A. Ellison (845) 486-2103


Chairman Robert Rolison announced today the Dutchess County Legislature continues to actively seek community-minded individuals who are interested in serving as legislative appointments to various public boards, councils, and committees. Rolison said it is a fluid process and encourages anyone interested in volunteering their time and talents to contact his office. 

Rolison says that right now there are immediate positions available on Dutchess County’s Mental Hygiene Board and Ad Hoc 2013 Heritage Days Committee. During the coming weeks the Chairman and members of the Legislature will review resumes and make the appropriate appointments.

  • Mental Hygiene Board advises the Commissioner of Mental Health and the County Legislature on all matters related to the mental health needs of the County. Appointments to this Board are made by the full Legislature and will require an interview of the Family and Human Services Sub-Committee.

  • Ad Hoc 2013 Heritage Days Committee is tasked to plan appropriate program activities for the October 23rd to November 1st, 2013 history and cultural “celebration” that is to be known as Dutchess County Heritage Days. The Chairman of the Legislature is responsible to make these appointments with no interview by a sub-committee or confirmation by the full Legislature required.

Anyone who would like to be considered for a volunteer position must send a resume and a brief letter of interest to the Dutchess County Legislature no later than Thursday, November 10th. Appointment materials can be sent to the attention of Michael Ellison at 22 Market Street 6th Floor Poughkeepsie NY 12601, faxed to 486-2113, or e-mailed to