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Legislature's Public Safety Committee Passes STOP-DWI Plan
County STOP-DWI plan comes at no cost to local taxpayers

Published: 1/20/2011

For More Information Contact:

Michael A. Ellison
(845) 486-2103


The Dutchess County Legislature’s Public Safety Committee today passed a comprehensive $661,901 plan to fund Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) enforcement, prosecution, probation, rehabilitation, public information, and administration. This plan comes at zero cost to taxpayers.

“As a member of the STOP-DWI Board it was my privilege to bring this plan before the Legislature for its approval. The success of Dutchess County STOP-DWI is largely due to the dedication of members of the law enforcement community and prosecutors who work hard every day to combat this very real threat in our community,” said Assistant Majority Leader Angela E. Flesland (R,I,C-Town/Poughkeepsie).

“As a 26 year law enforcement veteran I witnessed firsthand the dangers of drinking and driving including far too many serious or fatal accidents. Dutchess County has an outstanding program that incorporates every involved agency in our efforts to stop drunk driving,” said Legislature Chairman Rob Rolison (R,I,C-City/Town Poughkeepsie).

Using only fine revenue from alcohol related offenses and no local tax dollars, Dutchess County recommitted itself to a STOP-DWI program that is one of the most successful in the State of New York. The Dutchess County Legislature is expected to adopt this plan at its January’s Board meeting on Monday.

Public Safety Chairman Kenny Roman (R,I,C-Town/Poughkeepsie) concluded, “the message to those who choose to drink and drive should be clear, Dutchess County takes impaired driving serious. I am proud in the Public Safety Committee is working with the STOP-DWI Board to present a comprehensive plan to combat drinking and driving.”

Legislator Flesland and Roman offered special recognition to Deputy Sheriff Neil Stuart, the STOP-DWI officer who is the multi-year statewide award winner from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). The commitment of the Sheriff’s Office to stop impaired driving is second to none. We highly commend Sheriff “Butch” Anderson, Undersheriff Kirk Imperati, and Lieutenant Frank LaMonica, Jr.