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Behavioral & Community Health Publications
NYSDOH Annual Health Advisory - Testing & Reporting of Mosquito- and Tick-borne Illnesses
Tickborne Diseases of the United States: A Reference Manual for Healthcare Providers (Fifth Edition, 2018) (HTML PDF)
RABIES (Pre-/Post-Exposure Prophylaxis & Exposure Assessment)
Healthcare providers are required to immediately report any patient exposed to a potentially rabid animal (Suspected Rabid Animal or Rabies Exposure Report form) to the DBCH at 845-486-3404
Rabies vector species (bats, skunks, raccoons, and foxes) and domestic animals (such as dogs, cats, and ferrets) are considered suspect, including other animals exhibiting abnormal behavior, clinical signs of rabies, or that attack unprovoked.
A bite by a rabid or potentially rabid animal.
Contamination of an open wound (broken skin that has bled within the past 24 hours) or mucous membrane (eyes, nose, mouth) with copious amounts of saliva or nervous tissue from a rabid or potentially rabid animal.
Any interaction with a rabid or potentially rabid animal where a bite, open wound, or mucous membrane exposure, including situations where a bat is found in a room with a sleeping person, unattended child, mentally compromised person, or intoxicated person.
Physicians must consult with the Department prior to initiating rabies Post-Exposure Treatment. Staff is available 24/7 to evaluate a contact between a human and a potentially rabid animal and to authorize Post-Exposure Treatment 845-486-3404 or 845-431-6465 After-Hours.
The Department will oversee animal observation, testing, and assessment of rabies exposure, and may conduct searches to determine if additional people or animals were exposed. When rabies Post-Exposure Treatment is indicated, the Department will monitor to assure all rabies biologics have been properly administered and completed.
The Department also offers Pre-Exposure Vaccination against rabies for persons in high-risk occupations, including the administration of, or the arrangement for the administration of rabies vaccine for treatment of rabies exposure. Call 845-486-3404.