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Public Relations at the Dutchess County Justice and Transition Center

The corrections officers and staff at the Dutchess County Justice and Transition Center work hard to interact with our community to ensure we support those who support us. In addition to working diligently at the facility, many also personally attend community events, participate in functions and contribute to local nonprofits and charitable causes.

From our brothers and sisters in blue to you, let's bridge the gap to build a better community! 


Superintendent Therese M. Lee Facility Administrator
Therese M. Lee
Facility Administrator
 Colonel William T. Moore
William T. Moore
Facility Administrator

A division of the Dutchess County Sheriff's Office

Photo Gallery

Supporting Our Children

In April 2019, teacher Donde Mcilwee organized the first ever Criminal Justice Career Fair at John Jay High School, featuring representatives from New York State Courts, New York State Troopers, the FBI and Dutchess County Sheriff's Office Road Patrol and Corrections Divisions. All agencies provided students with specific information on the many aspects of the criminal justice system and Sheriff’s Deputy Michael Rahilly shared his expertise on working on the road and the educational requirements for police officers. Correction Officer Chion Scott also explained how to obtain a career at the Dutchess County Jail and the different facets of corrections aside from inmate supervision.

Dutchess County Jail Gives Back

Remembering the Fallen

On April 24, 2019, past and present Correction Officers participated in the annual teachers vs. law enforcement basketball game held at Poughkeepsie High School. The Ronald Wynn / Caval Haylett / Firefighter Gunther Memorial Basketball Game is held to honor the lives of two City of Poughkeepsie High School students and a first responder who lost their lives.

In May 2015, Ronald Wynn lost his life in a house fire at his home on Church Street. Firefighter Timothy Gunther perished from injuries sustained while responding to that same fire. In a separate and unrelated incident, Caval Haylett died from a gunshot wound to the head while walking home from his All-Star Basketball Game in March of 2016.

All proceeds benefit scholarship funds in the names of Wynn and Haylett.


Giving Back

After refereeing a game for the Poughkeepsie Middle School Boy's Modified Basketball Team, Jykayla Elting noticed two players who would benefit from new shoes. She told her mother, Correction Officer Santia Elting that she would purchase basketball sneakers for the boys. When Officer Elting shared this story and how proud she was of her daughter with her fellow officers at the Dutchess County Jail, fellow Correction Officers Colin Scott and David Rodrigues spearheaded an initiative to collect funds from other officers to sponsor the entire team.

Thanks to their fundraising efforts, in January 2019, new basketball sneakers and Gatorade water bottles were given to the 17 players on the team.

Dutchess County Jail Gives Back