The 2010 Census is the current decennial census, pending release of 2020 Census data in fall 2021. The links below include data tables on race and housing characteristics in Dutchess County, as well as a Quickfacts page that includes 2010 Census data and more recent estimates along with detailed population characteristics from the American Community Survey, which is sent to a sample of Americans every year.
The U.S. Census Bureau published some incorrect data in the initial release of the 2010 Decennial Census. Due to geocoding errors by the Census Bureau, data for the Cities of Poughkeepsie and Beacon, and the Towns of Poughkeepsie and Fishkill had to be corrected. The Census Bureau only corrected the data for population and housing unit counts. These corrections were made as part of the 2010 Census Count Question Resolution (CQR) Program. For more information on CQR, please visit the Census Bureau's Count Question Resolution page.