Introduction (.pdf)
Table of Contents (.pdf)
Preface (.pdf) (p.1)
I. Greenway Compact Program
What We Mean by Greenways (.pdf) (p.3)
The Greenway Compact Program (.pdf) (p.4)
Joining the Compact (.pdf) (p.5)
Local Greenway Incentives (.pdf) (p.6)
II. Greenway Benefits
Community Connections (.pdf) (p.7)
Economic Development (.pdf) (p. 10)
Environmental Enhancement (.pdf) (p.14)
III. Process and Policies
What People Said (.pdf) (p.17)
Policy Framework (.pdf) (p.19)
IV. Landscape Patterns
Natural Patterns (.pdf) (p.22)
Settlement Patterns (.pdf) (p.24)
Connecting Patterns (.pdf) (p.28)
Regional Panorama (.pdf) (p.30)
V. Projects with Regional Connections
Building Bike Routes and Walkways (.pdf) (p.33)
Improving Our Access to the Water (.pdf) (p.35)
Promoting Arts and Tourism (.pdf) (p.37)
Enhancing Rail Connections (.pdf) (p.39)
Creating Greenway Routes (.pdf) (p.40)
Coordinating Development with Central Utilities (.pdf) (p.41)
VI. Choosing Greenway Principles
Choices: Strength in Local Decision Making (.pdf) (p.43)
Connections in Every Site Plan (.pdf) (p.44)
Ways to Work with Your Neighbors (.pdf) (p.45)
Streamlining the Process (.pdf) (p.46)