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Where can I purchase tickets and passes?

We accept cash, check or money orders only when purchasing at the office. Credit cards or debit cards are only accepted for online purchases.

To get to the Dutchess County Public Transit Bus Facility from Poughkeepsie take the eastbound arterial (Rt. 44/55) and bear right on Rt. 55 at the split of Rt. 44 and Rt. 55. Commerce Street is the first left turn after the intersection of Rt. 55 and Noxon Road. The bus facility is on the right side of Commerce Street approximately 300 yards from Rt. 55.

Route E serves this facility.

Fares, Passes & Rider Information

Single Ride Good for one, one-way trip

Single Ride Full Fare $1.75

Single Ride Reduced Fare




*Good for indicated number of one-way trips. Use anytime, any day, with no expiration. Reduced fare requires proper identification.

Multi-Ride Tickets 

20-Ride Reduced Fare DAR Ticket




*Good for unlimited rides during the indicated number of days from the activation date (first use). Reduced fare requires proper identification.

44-Ride Commuter Ticket $45.00
31-Day Reduced Anytime Ticket $31.00
7-Day Reduced Anytime Ticket $10.50
1-Day Reduced Anytime Ticket $2.50

Anytime Tickets 

31-Day Anytime Ticket $62.00
7-Day Anytime Ticket $21.00
1-Day Anytime Ticket $5.00

Effective Date January 17, 2017

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Complementary Paratransit Service

Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Dutchess County Public Transit Bus System provides curb-to-curb wheelchair lift equipped bus service for individuals traveling within 3/4 of a mile from the normal route of the Public Transit Bus System and City of Poughkeepsie's fixed route service whose disability prohibits the use of the fixed route system. The fare is $3.50 for a single one way ride. To apply for ADA Complementary Paratransit Service or to obtain more information call (845) 473-8424 or visit our ADA Complementary Paratransit Service webpage.

Ticket and Pass Purchasing Location

Tickets and Passes may be purchased online, on all of our buses, at the Public Transit bus facility or through the U. S. Mail.

We accept cash, check or money orders only. Sorry, but we do not accept credit cards or debit cards.

The address of Dutchess County Public Transit facility is:

Dutchess County Public Transit
14 Commerce Street
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Info: (845) 473-8424
Business Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

To get to the Dutchess County Public Transit Bus Facility from Poughkeepsie take the eastbound arterial (Rt. 44/55) and bear right on Rt. 55 at the split of Rt. 44 and Rt. 55, Commerce Street is the first left turn after the intersection of Rt. 55 and Noxon Road. The bus facility is on the right side of Commerce Street approximately 300 yards from Rt. 55.  Route E serves this facility.


Fares, Ticket & Purchasing Locations

The single trip one way fare is $1.75 per bus and customers can pay when boarding the bus. Passengers that overpay on the fare will receive a charge card that can be used on a future Dutchess County Public Transit trip.  Individual $1.75 tickets can be purchased and these tickets are valid on all Dutchess County Public Transit buses at anytime.

  • Senior Citizens, Medicare card holders, and patrons with disabilities pay half fare, $0.75 per single trip one way ride.
  • Veterans pay half fare, $0.75 per single trip one way ride.
  • Children between the ages of 5 and under the age of 12 pay $0.75 per single trip one way ride.
  • Any student with a current valid school photo identification* pay $0.75 per single trip one way ride.
  • *School photo identification must indicate the current school semester. For schools that do not issue identification cards with an expiration date, the school photo identification card AND class schedule with current enrollment dates will be accepted.

This pass is good on all Dutchess County Public Transit buses during all service hours.

This pass is designed for frequent riders of the Dutchess County Public Transit. The Monthly Ride Anytime Pass is valid on all fixed route buses and at all times for 31 days after the first use. An easy way to determine if this is the right pass for you is to count the number of times you normally ride Dutchess County Public Transit bus. If you ride more than 36 times during the month then this is the pass for you. Remember, every time you change buses counts as one ride.

This card enables patrons with a disability to pay $0.75 for a single one way ride. This fare reduction is valid at all times and on all fixed route service in the Public Transit bus system. This discounted fare cannot be used in conjunction with any other fare reduction. To apply for a Special Transit Card, documentation from a doctor is required. The doctor's documentation does not have to disclose the nature of the disability, it should just verify that there is one. The doctor's documentation must also include the applicant's name and address. Applicants for Special Transit Cards will be issued the card within a week of Dutchess County Division of Public Transit receiving the doctor's verification. The Special Transit Card is available free of charge.