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About Us - Highway

The Highway Construction and Maintenance Division is responsible for overseeing numerous programs to maintain the county’s 395 centerline miles of roads, 140 bridges and 178 drainage structures.


About Us

This division has a pavement maintenance and rehabilitation program that includes cold in-place reclamation (CIPR), hot in-place reclamation (HIPR), overlays, paver placed surface treatment, oil and stone and crack sealing.   Road & bridge maintenance includes pipe installation, guide rail installation, shoulder and drainage ditch maintenance, cleaning and sealing of bridge decks, tree and brush clearing and grass cutting.

Six highway facilities conduct snow and ice control, repair and install all warning and regulatory signs on county roads and are responsible for some bridge repairs. The division has a varied and significant inventory of equipment that it operates and maintains.  The Division’s capital improvements are funded, in part, by the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) and local funds.

Dutchess County partners with certain local municipalities to provide snow and ice control to provide better efficiencies of operation and safer road conditions for the traveling public.

The HCM Division also manages the County’s Highway Garage and Auto Service Center. The Highway Garage maintains the HCM Division extensive inventory of construction equipment and snow and ice removal trucks. The Auto Center maintains the County’s fleet of passenger vehicles.