- Up to 30 containers are available. Containers are available on a first-come, first-served basis and any number or all of the containers may be reserved at once, if available.
- Containers are available at no cost. We will provide two FREE clear recycling bags per container borrowed. Additional bags can be purchased on your own at: www.cleartainers.com or at an office supply or home improvement store. The bags need to be clear trash bags and they must be 40” by 45” to fit the frame.
- A REFUNDABLE deposit of $50 for loans of 1 to 10 containers, $100 for loans of 11 – 20 containers and $200 for loans of 21-30 containers, is due upon pickup. When the undamaged equipment is returned, a refund of the deposit will be issued by mail within 4 days of the return. Any damaged, missing, cleaning or late return fees will be deducted from the deposit. A deposit is not required for municipal-sponsored events.
- Please reserve the containers at least two weeks in advance. Containers are loaned for short-term events only (four days or less) and containers must be returned within three days after the event.
- All materials collected in the containers are the property of the event coordinators. If collection service isn’t provided by the event site, contact a local transfer station for recycling. For a list of transfer stations please see: www.co.dutchess.ny.us/CountyGov/Departments/SolidWasteMgmt/TSRprg.htm)
- Tips: Place a recycling container next to every trash can. Use clear bags for recycling. Thank your guests for recycling and for helping to save our environment!
Call Kerry Russell at 845-463-6020 to reserve containers, or email: Solidwastemgmt@dutchessny.gov.
Containers are available for pickup at 96 Sand Dock Road, Poughkeepsie, NY. Container delivery is not available.