Property may be picked up Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 10:30am, and 12:30pm and 3:00pm. Property pick up / release times are based on property officer availability.
If an incarcerated individual comes back to the facility the same day of his or her release, he or she will be given both the property from his or her cell and the property room. Should an incarcerated individual elect not to wait for his or her property to be brought downstairs from a housing unit or the property room, it will be subsequently destroyed after thirty (30) days.
Provisions may be made from an incarcerated individual to release all of his or her property during non-visiting hours.
Download a PDF version of the List of Acceptable Items Mailed to Facility or Dropped Off
In addition to general mail delivered to the facility, the following items are also accepted:
(Revised and in effect as of March 13, 2024. All previous editions are obsolete.)
Items that can be purchased in commissary or that are issued by the facility are not allowed to be mailed in and will be returned to the sender.
A division of the Dutchess County Sheriff's Office