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Public Transit Forms

You can download a form and fill it out when it's convenient for you rather than having to take time out during your busy day to stop by our offices. Many of the forms still require your signature; please either mail or deliver these to our offices.

Please note, most Dutchess County forms are available as PDF documents. This format requires that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC. Click on the Adobe Acrobat Reader icon Adobe Acrobat Reader Download icon to download a free copy of this software.

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Available Forms

Access to Public Records FOIL Request Form

Dutchess County has prepared an Access to Records Form (.pdf) for written requests. You do not need to use our form, but the form helps guide you through the questions you need to answer in order to have your written request processed.  Every written request must be originally signed in ink and directed to the appropriate county department.  

Dial-A-Ride / Flex Demand Response Service Application

In order to access Dial-A-Ride and/or Flex, an individual must register with Dutchess County Public Transit prior to riding. To register, it is required that an individual fill out a registration form (.pdf) and return it to the address below via United States mail, or submit the registration form online.  Once the information is verified as complete, each individual will be notified by mail as to his/her registration status.  For information on eligibility and communities served, see Routes and Schedules page.

Mail registrations to:

Dutchess County Public Transit
14 Commerce Street
Poughkeepsie NY 12603

Special Bus Service Application

To request services from Dutchess County Public Transit, see Charter Policy for eligibility and fill out the Application for Special Bus Services (.pdf) and submit to Dutchess County Public Transit via:


fax: 845-473-8662 
mail/drop off:
County Transit Administrator
Dutchess County Public Transit
14 Commerce Street
 Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Title VI Complaint Form

You must file a signed, written complaint within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the last date of alleged discrimination. Download the Title VI Complaint Form (.pdf). For more information on Title VI, see the Title VI of the Civil Right Act of 1964 page.

The complaint may be filed in writing with Dutchess County Public Transit as follows:

Dutchess County Public Transit
Attn: Title VI Coordinator
14 Commerce Street
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Complainants may also use the following to initiate the filing of a complaint:

By email to: with Title VI Complaint in the subject line.

By telephone: Dutchess County Public Transit Title VI Coordinator - 845-473-8424, TTY/TDD users should use 711

By fax to: Attn: Dutchess County Public Transit Title VI Coordinator - 845-473-8662

Dutchess County