Water and Sewer System Alerts and Advisories
Dutchess Delivery Email Notifications: You can sign up to receive alerts, advisories and notices about a specific water or sewer system through DutchessDelivery. Tap or click on the DutchessDelivery logo in the system you desire to receive notifications pertaining to each system.
Phone Call Notifications: You can sign up to receive important Emergency Notifications, such as a Boil Water Notice, by emailing us your Name, Address, Phone Number and Look-Up Number (it's on your bill) to our email address: DCWWA@dutchessny.gov
Airport Water Line
There are no alerts and advisories at this time.
Arbors Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Birch Hill Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Chelsea Cove Sewer System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Dalton Farms Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Dalton Farms Sewer System
Fairways Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Fairways Sewer System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Greenbush and Violet Avenue Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Greenfields Sewer System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Greenfields Water System
Hyde Park Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Obercreek Sewer System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Pinebrook Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Pinebrook Sewer System
Quaker Hills Water System
Rokeby Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Schreiber Water System
Shore Haven Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Staatsburg Water System
Tivoli Water System
Tivoli Sewer System
Traditions at Red Hook Water & Sewer
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Valley Dale Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Valley Dale Sewer System
Vanderburgh Cove Sewer System System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Zone D (Harbourd Hills) Water System
There are no alerts or advisories at this time.
Zone L Water System
There are no alerts and advisories at this time.