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Healthy Living Resources A-Z

Healthy Living Resources – A to Z

Action for Healthy Kids / Acción para Niños Saludables

Administration on Aging

Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists - Find A Diabetes Educator

American Heart Association’s Coping with Feelings

American Heart Association Move More Month

Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists

American Diabetes Association / Asociación Americana de la Diabetes

American Heart Association

American Psychiatric Association / Asociación Psiquiatría Americana

American Psychological Association

Breast cancer screening / Detección del Cáncer de Mama

Breastfeeding / Lactancia Materna

Bullying / Acoso Escolar

Caregiving Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Healthy Schools

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention School Toolkit

Center for Diabetes Management - NY Connects

Cervical Cancer Screening / Detección del Cáncer de Cuello Uterino

Child Development Guidance: Zero to Three

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Children’s Safety Network Bullying Prevention Resource Guide

Colorectal Cancer Screening / Detección del Cáncer Colorrectal

Compassion and Support

Cyberbullying / Acoso por Internet


Domestic Violence Hotline / Línea Nacional de Violencia Doméstica

Dutchess County Early Childhood Programs

Dutchess County HELPLINE

Dutchess County Office for the Aging

Early Intervention Program, Dutchess County

Early Intervention Program, NYS / Programa de Intervención Temprana del Estado de Nueva York

Eat Smart New York

Emotional Health

End of Life Care

Family Online Safety Institute

Girls Health

Go Red for Women / Salud Cardiaca para las Mujeres

Health Insurance/Dental

Health for Older Adults

Healthier School Day 

Healthy and Active Parties

Healthy Meeting Guidelines

Healthy Schools New York

Healthy Adolescent and School Health

HEART TRUTH (National Institutes of Health)

Helping Our Families Guide


Hudson Valley Hospice

Hudson Valley Parent

Injury Prevention in New York State / Prevención de lesiones en el estado de Nueva York

Injury prevention (CDC)

Know Your Numbers - Heart Disease and Stroke / Conozca sus Cifras - Enfermedades Cardiovasculares y Accidente Cerebrovascular

Lead Poisoning

Let's Move

Living Healthy with Diabetes

Maternal Infant Services Network

Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) / Órdenes Médicas para Tratamiento de Soporte Vital (MOLST)

Million Hearts

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases / Instituto Nacional de la Diabetes y Enfermidades Digestivos y Renales

National Institutes of Health / Institutos Nacionales de Salud

National School Lunch Program

New York State Smokers’ Quitline / Línea Directa de Asistencia de Dejar de Fumar

Newborn Screening


Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Office of Population Affairs - Adolescent Health

Parent Tip Sheets

Parks & Trails

Physical Activity Guidelines / Información Básica Sobre la Actividad Física

Preconception Health / La Salud antes del Embarazo

Pregnancy / Embarazo

Preventive Care / Atención Preventiva

Preventive Health Services for All Ages / Servicios Preventivos para Cada Edad

Safe Sleep

School Wellness

Self-Management Resource Center

Sexual Health/Clinical Services

Smart Snacking Guidelines

SNAP - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Stress Management


Stroke Resources (F.A.S.T.)

Substance Use Services

Teen Health and Wellness

Teen Health Topics (National Library of Medicine) / Temas de Salud para Adolescentes

USDA Local School Wellness Policy

USDA Nutrition Resources

The Weight of the Nation / HBO Series

Women, Infants, and Children Program

Workplace Wellness

Youth Physical Activity Guidelines