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Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan

Dutchess County has seen significant changes in its agricultural economy since the adoption of the last Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan in 1998. At that time, the conversion of farmland into non-farm uses due to development pressures and the lack of profitable farm operations were top concerns. Sixteen years later, farmland loss has slowed and the agricultural economy has rebounded to a significant degree. There are now excellent prospects for a continuing and vital agricultural industry in Dutchess County based on new markets, growing interest in local agricultural products, and opportunities for continued land preservation for the next generation of farmers.

The Plan

The Dutchess County Agricultural & Farmland Protection Board meets at the Dutchess County Farm and Home Center (2715 US 44, Millbrook, NY 12545), unless otherwise noted. 

  • Next Meeting Date:  July 23rd at 7:00 pm.


The Dutchess County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board agendas are posted to the website and distributed shortly before the Board meetings. The Board’s minutes are transcribed by staff from the Dutchess County Soil & Water Conservation District and distributed to the Board members for their approval at the following meeting. The minutes will be posted after approval from the Board.

     2024 Minutes: April 2nd  (.pdf) | June 4th (DRAFT) (.pdf)

     2023 Minutes: January 10th (.pdf) | July 17th (.pdf)

     2022 Minutes: June 7th (.pdf)

     2021 Minutes: June 2nd (.pdf)

     2020 Minutes:   June 11th (.pdf) |  December 9th (.pdf)