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Transportation Data

We gather and analyze transportation data to better understand the nature of travel across our area, informing planning projects and helping us identify locations and topics requiring further study. This work includes our annual vehicle count program, walking and bicycling count program, and local crash data analysis.


Visit our Traffic Data application here:

Traffic Counts

We regularly collect and analyze data on vehicle travel within Dutchess County. This data is used to measure system performance, assist with road planning, and prioritize project funding. Other government agencies and private businesses also use the data for project planning.

We began our annual traffic monitoring program in 1999. The program is conducted by a contractor and focuses on county and local roads. Over 800 roadway segments are included in the program. Approximately 150-200 traffic counts are conducted annually, so most road segments are counted every few years. Most counts includes volume, speed, and vehicle classification (vehicle type) data, consistent with NYSDOT requirements. We also receive data from NYSDOT for State highways.

To improve public access to our traffic counts, we have an online mapping application - Traffic Data - that shows current and historical vehicle volumes on our road network. You can search counts by municipality, year, road name, or road class. Besides volumes, the Traffic Data application provides speeds and heavy vehicle information, and a range of tools to analyze, chart, and export data. The application also allows you to fully customize how data is displayed and to export maps as needed. 

Additional count data is also available on NYSDOT's Traffic Data Viewer.

Pedestrian & Bicycle Counts

"What gets counted counts." Historically, we have had very little data about how many people are walking and bicycling, and where. To address this, we established a volunteer count program in 2012 and integrated pedestrian & bicycle counts into our annual traffic count contract starting in 2016.

Volunteer counts: Each September, volunteers count people walking and bicycling, following the methodology developed by the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project. Counts are done at ‘screenlines’ (along a street or trail) and at intersections. At screenlines, the counter tallies each person that crosses in front of them on the street or trail. At intersections, the counter tallies every time a person crosses the street or rides through the intersection. Locations are counted for two hours on a weekday (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) in the early evening, and on a Saturday afternoon.

Additional volunteers are always needed! Volunteers benefit from seeing their community from a different perspective, participating in research that will be used by the County, and thinking about walking and bicycling as forms of transportation that deserve good planning. We provide training and count forms for volunteers. To assist with our pedestrian and bicycle counts, please call or email us.

Contractor counts: Our contractor uses video technology to count people walking and bicycling at intersections, screenlines, and on rail trails. Typically, data is provided from 7am to 7pm over three days. In the past, contractors also used bicycle-specific tubes, but we found that data to be less reliable. 

Pedestrian and bicycle counts can be used for several purposes:

  • To track trends over time--e.g. how many more people are walking or bicycling after a project is completed compared to before; how many women are bicycling compared to men; how many bicyclists wear helmets, etc.

  • To determine crash rates and ‘hot spots’ for safety improvements. We have crash data, but need exposure data. If we know how many people are walking or bicycling in various locations, we can create crash rates (crashes per pedestrian or bicyclist volume) to better compare high-crash areas.

  • To prioritize locations for improvements, based on where the most people are walking and bicycling.

  • To draw attention to the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists—to show that there are people walking and bicycling, and the need for adequate facilities, safety, and support.

In addition, the data is available to the public and municipalities for grant applications and planning projects. All of our counts are available on our Traffic Data app (see the tab for 'Pedestrian & Bicycle Data'). 

Volunteer Count Data
2024 Count Summary
September 2024 count data summary table
Count trends - table
2012-2024 trends - charts

Volunteer Count Forms
Count Instructions
Google Maps Screenshot
Screenline Count Form- Road
Screenline Count Form- Rail Trail
Intersection Count Form & Instructions

Crash Data

New York State DOT manages a database of vehicle crashes collected from two sources: 1) Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS), which many police agencies have installed in their patrol vehicles, and 2) NYSDMV crash reports (Form MV-104). 

The database allows us to analyze crash data based on location, date, or other characteristics; to screen roadways for high-crash locations; and to summarize crash data in various report formats. Currently, access to the database is restricted to state agencies, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and consultants working for the state or MPOs. We can provide crash data to our member municipalities and agencies. To request crash data, please call or email us. When requesting crash data, please specify the following:

  • Location (intersection or road segment)

  • Date range 

  • Any specific crash types of interest (e.g. pedestrian only)

We cannot provide crash data to the general public, private entities, or media. Options for these requests include the NYSDMV Statistical data webpage; the Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR) Traffic Safety Statistical Repository (TSSR); or a FOIL request to the relevant agency (State, County, municipality). We can, however, share crash analysis reports that we have conducted, such as our Barriers to Safe Access analysis and interactive map developed for our long-range plan, Moving Dutchess Forward.